lend a hand
I think I got most of the errors, let me know if I missed any. -steele
All posts by shiftace
Thursday, 30 March 2017

After 20 Years Working In The Arctic, Artist Finally Reveals Incredible Project Inside Of Cave

quote [ Linhart believes his unique artistic endeavor may touch people across the world ]
[SFW] [music] [+5]
[by shiftace@4:48pmGMT] [6 comments]

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Cuba's Fidel Castro, former president, dies aged 90 - BBC News

quote [ Fidel Castro, Cuba's former president and leader of the Communist revolution, has died aged 90. ]

A list of some of the things Banned in Cuba
Animal Farm is also still banned
[SFW] [obituaries] [+7 Informative]
[by shiftace@6:23amGMT] [19 comments]

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Threats force family of veteran denied meal at Chili's from home

quote [ A lawyer for the former Army infantryman said the veteran began receiving threatening phone calls and a suspicious package was delivered to his home. ]

This is a follow up to a previous post by satanspenis666

[SFW] [people] [+10 WTF]
[by shiftace@10:13pmGMT] [4 comments]

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

BP platform leaks 95 tonnes of oil into North Sea

quote [ BP believes that allowing the oil to disperse naturally at sea is the best way to deal with the spill ]

Now BP doesn't even bother to say "I'm sorry".

[SFW] [Mafia] [+5 Informative]
[by shiftace@6:55pmGMT] [6 comments]

Sunday, 18 September 2016

The Largest Prison Strike in U.S. History Enters Its Second Week

quote [ A mass refusal to engage in prison labor began on September 9, the anniversary of the 1971 Attica prison uprising. ]

The largest Prison Strike in U.S. History and not a peep from Lamestream Media.
[SFW] [business] [+10 Underrated]
[by shiftace@5:29pmGMT] [0 comments]

Friday, 9 September 2016

Sexy Losers-Shiunji and the Suicide Girl: Post-Mortem

quote [ There’s more on the way! ]

It has been a long time since Sexylosers has been updated so I thought it deserved a post.

[NSFW] [Quickies] [+10 Good]
[by shiftace@3:30amGMT] [23 comments]

Monday, 29 August 2016

Steam is issuing No Man’s Sky refunds

quote [ Valve has a very clear policy when it comes to qualifying for a refund on a Steam purchase. As long as 14 days haven’t passed and the game has been played for less than 2 hours, a refund will be issued. No Man’s Sky’s Steam listing stresses that same refund policy applies to this game. However, No Man’s Sky refunds are apparently being issued to gamers who have logged over 70 hours of play time.

How is that possible? It simply comes down to selecting the correct reason for the refund. In this case selecting “bad performance” or “false advertising” will trigger the refund. ]

fixing a repost.
[SFW] [games] [+1]
[by shiftace@8:42pmGMT] [23 comments]

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Computer porn: gallery of ancient machines | TheINQUIRER

quote [ Only the most beautiful and perfectly formed machines made it into our gallery of the glorious computers of yesteryear,Hardware,HPC ,Hardware,IBM,Apple,Inqdepth ]

posted on behalf of Ussmak
[SFW] [Quickies] [+1 Interesting]
[by shiftace@5:19pmGMT] [3 comments]

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Fort Myers shooting: 2 dead at least 16 others, ages 12 to 27, were wounded.

quote [ Sean Archilles, 14, and Stef'An Strawder, 18, were shot to death in the club's parking lot, Fort Myers police said.
An investigator walks near the scene of Monday's shooting in Fort Myers.
An investigator walks near the scene of Monday's shooting in Fort Myers.
At least 16 others, ages 12 to 27, were wounded in the shooting. Of the four people still hospitalized Monday, two are in critical condition, and two are in fair condition, Lee Memorial Hospital said. ]

Hurray for Florida and my home town to boot! Oh, and the obligatory "If only they had guns".
Apparently Florida isn't just where old people to to die. Youngsters are getting in on the action.

[SFW] [dystopian violence] [+6 Sad]
[by shiftace@7:21pmGMT] [21 comments]

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

The FBI recommends not to indict Hillary Clinton for email misconduct


Not surprising, especially after Lynch said she would go along with whatever recommendation the FBI makes.
[SFW] [politics] [+10 Informative]
[by shiftace@5:56pmGMT] [30 comments]

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