Sunday, 29 April 2018

Michelle Wolf COMPLETE REMARKS at 2018 White House Correspondents' Dinner (C-SPAN)

quote [ From C-SPAN coverage, Michelle Wolf remarks at the 2018 White House Correspondents' Dinner. Watch the complete video here: ]

Michelle Wolf spit fire at nerd prom last night.
[NSFW] [humor] [+9 Good]
[by raphael_the_turtle@1:41pmGMT]


raphael_the_turtle said @ 1:47pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:4 laz0r]
Emma Gonzalez stuck a positive spin on Kanye's typical marketing shtick.
Dienes said @ 6:53pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:2 Underrated]
She had some good jokes but her delivery wasn't great. God damn that Aunt Lydia joke had me rolling though.

But nothing she said is as funny as Trumpers going "This was offensive and unethical and just proves the world is out to get us. It was mean and unfair and we should have civility in politics." Because after 1) spending years saying the problem was liberals need thicker skins and should stop being PC and 2) voting for the person who single-handedly removed what was left of civility from political discourse you don't get to whine about a 20-minute, relatively tame roast at an annual roasting event.
raphael_the_turtle said @ 7:53pm GMT on 29th Apr
I think her delivery is getting better overall, but when you're standing in the middle of lion's den trash talking the lions there's bound to be some nervousness.
C18H27NO3 said @ 8:05pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:1 Funsightful]
I actually liked the matter of factness of it.

It was a joke hidden inside of reality wrapped in sarcasm, with a reality bow attached.
SnappyNipples said @ 9:04pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:1 Good]
The faces on Huckabee and Conway with Sarah a dinner roll throw away from Wolf. Hilarious.
C18H27NO3 said @ 9:14pm GMT on 29th Apr
exactly. Here sarah, have some of your own medicine.
hellboy said @ 11:50pm GMT on 29th Apr
...and 3) you control all three branches of government, you're not the helpless victim of some big mean bullies, you ARE the bullies.
lilmookieesquire said @ 3:58pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:1 Underrated]
She got some nice fuck yous in there.

My favorite was actually the CNN love affair with breaking news bit.
hellboy said[2] @ 12:46am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:5]
I liked how she finished by calling out the Beltway Media:
You guys are obsessed with Trump. Did you used to date him? Because you pretend like you hate him, but I think you love him. I think what no one in this room wants to admit is that Trump has helped all of you. He couldn't sell steaks or vodka or water or college or ties or Eric, but he has helped you.

He's helped you sell your papers and your books and your TV. You helped create this monster, and now you're profiting off of him. And if you're gonna profit off of Trump, you should at least give him some money because he doesn't have any.
C18H27NO3 said @ 8:04pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:2]
I think it was golden. All of it. Woman talking about sex. Taking jabs at the administration. Serious jabs. Walking the line.

Imagine a male comedian saying these things about men. It had the #metoo movement and political sarcasm and sardonic wit all wrapped into one. True to the context of our times. It reflects the dynamic the GOP has created. It set them up to be hypocrites. On a national scale. Deal with it.

She went over the line with a few words, but all according to plan, a scalpel cutting up the beltway and the media.

norok said[1] @ 8:22pm GMT on 29th Apr
I actually enjoyed it and found it incredibly funny too. Not everyone on both sides did though.
eggboy said @ 1:56am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:5 Funny]
No surprise that this one got triggered

mechanical contrivance said @ 1:19pm GMT on 30th Apr
I wonder if he's aware of his hypocrisy.
raphael_the_turtle said @ 9:25pm GMT on 30th Apr
literally all the right does is pretend to be offended over nonsensical ephemera and literally all the center does is fall for it over and over and over

@chick_in_kiev's status
eggboy said @ 11:25pm GMT on 30th Apr
I wonder if they're aware that they've started tweeting in the style of Trump. Is it a concious descision to emulate him as a form of brown-nosing, or have their psykes just been engulfed by the constant barrage of shit.

I do suspect that the language you form your ideas in can effect how intelligent your ideas are.
BUGGERLUGS123 said @ 7:05pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:1 Underrated]
Best comment I've read so far was.........

"Wolf wasn’t lobbing truth bombs: she was firing $10 million-a-pop truth Tomahawk missiles. "

By god, you know the orange buffoon couldn't help himself watch it and it must have stung, real badly.
3456 said[1] @ 4:48pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-3]
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ubie said[2] @ 5:20pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-1 Trollfood]
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C18H27NO3 said @ 2:40pm GMT on 1st May [Score:-1]
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Fish said @ 2:15am GMT on 1st May [Score:-2 Troll]
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3456 said[1] @ 11:52am GMT on 1st May [Score:-3 Boring]
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3456 said @ 5:30pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-3 Boring]
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ubie said @ 5:52pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-2 Trollfood]
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3456 said @ 6:10pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-3 Boring]
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arrowhen said @ 7:10pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-1 Trollfood]
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Taxman said @ 10:29pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-4 Trollfood]
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3456 said[2] @ 10:38pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-5]
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rylex said @ 11:04pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-5 Trollfood]
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3456 said @ 11:15pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-5 Troll]
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rylex said @ 11:23pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-5]
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3456 said @ 11:25pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-5]
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Taxman said @ 11:21pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-5 Trollfood]
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3456 said @ 11:30pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-5 Old]
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Taxman said @ 11:45pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-5]
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3456 said @ 12:22am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-5]
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Taxman said @ 12:47am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-5]
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3456 said @ 12:50am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-5]
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Taxman said @ 1:18am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-5]
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3456 said @ 7:01pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-3 Boring]
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MFDork said @ 7:07pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-2 Trollfood]
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3456 said @ 7:20pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-3 Boring]
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arrowhen said @ 7:31pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-2]
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norok said @ 8:13pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:0 Insightful]
It is quite the blunder indeed.
thepublicone said @ 7:36pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-2 Trollfood]
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3456 said[1] @ 8:31pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-2 Underrated]
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arrowhen said @ 8:44pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-1]
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Taxman said @ 10:55pm GMT on 29th Apr
Right but the new system is... well it just doesn’t make any sense.

Steele is of the opinion that engaging with trolls only encourages them to be disruptive. Worse yet some eggshell lurker might actually be convinced that the trolls are correct. This would ultimately be facilitating the fall-from-grace for some poor short-willed individual. I understand that and I can respect it, even if I disagree.

The solution he’s created though is getting a bunch of eggs. He doesn’t want the two parties to talk and is going to egg the houses of both individuals until they capitulate. So he goes to the trolls house and it is so covered in eggs that throwing an egg has literally no effect. Their karma doesn’t go down and if they want the message to be unfiltered they simply post the same thing again. Then he goes over to the users site and eggs their house. Fine, whatever, the points are made up and the scores don’t matter. But he is expending the effort to actually hurt his user base while doing nothing to the people he despises.

It’s this effort against his own user base that concerns me.
arrowhen said @ 2:27am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:2 Underrated]
I think it makes sense. Don't get me wrong, I think it's ridiculous and sad that we're all losing our shit over "trolls" lately when they've been an integral part of the internet experience since the days when dinosaurs and 2400 baud modems walked the earth and simply scrolling past their posts is just as easy as it's always been, but the mod itself makes sense.

The neat thing about specific named mods as opposed to a generic up/down vote is that in addition to the karma stuff, it lets users quickly express common opinions without cluttering a conversation thread with a bunch of repetitive, low-information comments. If you remember forums from the 90s, it was pretty common to see threads that were just one guy cracking a joke followed by 47 replies of "lol" or "haha". Being able to mod "+1 Funny" instead lets us express the same sentiment in less space and without disrupting the flow of conversation.

There's already been a precedent established for steele adding to the mod list based on community input ("+1 Sad" was added sometime after the new site went live) and at least one user was already using existing mods (i.e., "-1 Overrated" or "-1 Troll") along with explanatory comments to moderate people who responded to trolls. Adding the "-1 Trollfood" mod was just a convenient UI tweak in response to community demand. And since steele, in addition to his administrative duties, is also a user just like everyone else, it's perfectly reasonable for him to make use of the same community moderation tools as everyone else.
Taxman said @ 3:18am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:0 Underrated]
I don’t think there’s a “flip-out” over the trolls. But shit or get off the pot. Are we allowed to talk to certain people or are we not? If you hate them ban them. If you don’t, don’t.

This passive-aggressive “I’ll hit the normals talking to them and that will make the non-normals go away!” isn’t constructive.

Every statement is being downmodded without reading, comment, or addition to the discussion. It is simply a downmod based on the speakers. If we’re not allowed to talk on this forum just make it so we’re not allowed to talk on this forum.
milkman666 said @ 3:10pm GMT on 30th Apr [Score:3 Insightful]
trollfood is a variation of flamebait.

Its a shared space. A public one. If you want to one on one with the puppets via PM's, no one can moderate you. That's a free avenue. If you want an audience, well you got one and this is them chiming in.

I imagine for the most part people are indifferent. Not every post, or comment thread is meant for you, so if you're not interested you give it a pass. So you have to hit some real hard numbers in spewing horseshit, consistently, to get this level of opprobrium. I can't say what motivation a person has for a downvote. I think its safe to say that at this point a benefit of a doubt is not given in assuming someone is arguing in good faith. Which is kinda because of you.

If anyone had any doubts, harbored a wisp of hope that someone can turn another leaf, you laid that to rest. You dredge. You pan for gold, or something, anything of value from troll spammers. Nothing. You engage, you talk, and sift. Just horseshit. I'm grateful. Thats a public service, not to mention every other occasion you pop in with something interesting to contribute.

That being said, the person egging on the drunk on the bus is just as responsible for the shitstorm that follows. Whether or not thats actually whats happening well, thats a matter of opinion. If you don't want our opinion, then just private message them. If you do. well what the fuck, you want participation trophy at worst? If people think you're current line of conversation is less informational or interesting and more akin to microphone feedback loop, well here we are. Downmod; Flamebait, trollfood, boring. Those aren't used randomly. Its not just a loud boo, its a clue.

So I guess this is a good reminder that participation is something we should engage in more often. If you think someone is being downmoded unfairly, that they in fact had something interesting to say, then upmod. If you think a conversation is being relegated to flamewar status when its really has something of value, upmod. We influence the content we want to see with the mod system. It seems not many people want to see the same noise over and over again.
eggboy said @ 4:56am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:1]
I think there's too much downmodding going on in total. It's not a rebuke anymore, it's just par for the course. Whether they are being trolls, argueing in good faith a disagreeable point, or now just being the wrong person. It's ineffective, meaningless, and shuts down any potential discussion before it can start.

A lot of people on here need to fuck off with the knee-jerk downmods. It's making the site a pain in the arse to read, and who are you cunts to tell me which parts I should and should not read?
mechanical contrivance said @ 1:28pm GMT on 30th Apr [Score:1 Underrated]
You can adjust your threshold in your profile.
eggboy said @ 11:30pm GMT on 30th Apr
I'm giving it all she's got cap'n, we cannae go any lower
steele said @ 1:48pm GMT on 30th Apr
A lot of people on here need to fuck off with the knee-jerk downmods. It's making the site a pain in the arse to read, and who are you cunts to tell me which parts I should and should not read?

The owner and the (small handful of) people helping me use the system as intended. I've been through this so many times now. Frankly, more than I should have to at this point.

As website owner, (and as far as I can tell the only one here with any actual experience building up website activity and specializing in viral traffic) I can tell you there is not enough modding going on. Both positive and negative. Feel free to pm me if you disagree. I'll be going back to downmodding now. ;)
3456 said[2] @ 12:01pm GMT on 1st May [Score:-1 Boring]
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C18H27NO3 said @ 2:59pm GMT on 30th Apr
I mod based on the content of the post. Not the poster.

If numbers or norok says something worthy of an up mod, I'll do it. I've not downmodded them when they aren't being stupid, confrontational, or condescending.

Unfortunately, they make it really difficult since most of their posts complain about not being able to be openly racist, sexist, a hypocrite, or generally whining like a toddler because 5+5 doesn't equal 9 or 11.
rylex said @ 11:10pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-2 Trollfood]
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Taxman said @ 11:40pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-2]
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eggboy said @ 1:16am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-2]
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Taxman said @ 1:31am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-2]
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steele said @ 1:37am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-3 Trollfood]
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arrowhen said @ 2:52am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-1 Funsightful]
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steele said @ 2:54am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-3 Trollfood]
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arrowhen said @ 3:00am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-1 Original]
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Taxman said @ 7:57pm GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-2]
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Taxman said @ 2:38am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-2]
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arrowhen said @ 2:59am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-2]
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3456 said @ 11:20pm GMT on 29th Apr [Score:-3]
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arrowhen said @ 4:21am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-1 Yep ]
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3456 said @ 11:55am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-4]
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arrowhen said @ 4:09pm GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-2 Yep ]
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3456 said[2] @ 1:01am GMT on 1st May [Score:-4 Troll]
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Taxman said @ 12:39am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-2]
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3456 said @ 12:47am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-3 Boring]
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arrowhen said @ 3:01am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-2 Underrated]
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3456 said @ 11:39am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-4 Troll]
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arrowhen said @ 4:25pm GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-2 Funny]
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eggboy said @ 1:11am GMT on 30th Apr [Score:-3]
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