Sunday, 18 December 2022
quote [ Three writers who struggle with socialising explain how they make it through festive season ]
If you're shy, socially awkward or just plain boring and people still keep inviting you to parties, you're not trying hard enough.
Friday, 2 December 2022
quote [ Internet fad is to use AI to generate an image for each line in a song. ]
Random selection of songs in extended
Tuesday, 25 October 2022
quote [ If you liked The Witness, you'll like The Looker.
If you hated The Witness, you'll love The Looker. ] I am of the opinion that Jonathan Blow is a genius. A genius who will totally fuck with you, if you're pointlessly stupid enough to try to 100% his games, but that is a part of his genius. And I enjoyed this parody enormously, from the audio logs to the puzzles to Hint Button.
Saturday, 13 August 2022
quote [ DC cut a scene of Batman performing oral sex because "heroes don't do that." It’s hard to sell a toy if Batman is also going down on someone. ]
Of course Batman goes down. Why do you think his mask ends at his nose?
Thursday, 24 February 2022
quote [ Antwerp will dim the bright new lights along the Belgian port city's waterfront after prostitutes complained they were putting off potential clients. ]
Only in Europe would the local government listen to the complaints of working girls. Excepting Nevada, of course, where morality means you have gambling and prostitution, but not in the same counties. - gm1970
Friday, 21 January 2022
quote [ Meat Loaf, the hardworking singer and actor whose Bat Out of Hell is one of the best-selling albums ever and who played Eddie in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, has died. He was 74. ]
Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman are suing each other in heaven tonight.
Sunday, 19 December 2021
quote [ Adam Jenne was ordered to disembark the United Airlines flight following his stunt -which he suggests illustrates the "absurdity" of having to wear a face covering on a plane until it reaches cruising altitude. ]
You've got to Fight! For your right! To be a dick.
Monday, 16 August 2021
quote [ Turning her camera on her customers, the sex worker and photojournalist exposed the male gaze to itself – and opened up a world of shame and desire ]
It’s fine. Luckily we’re all English so no-one’s going to ask any questions. Thank you, centuries of emotional repression
Saturday, 6 March 2021
quote [ Is your second toe longer than your first? Considered by many ancient artists and cultures a high mark of beauty, dominance, and intelligence. Who proclaimed it a beauty symbol, and why did it become so prevalent? ]
I suddenly noticed that my girlfriend's second toe is longer, whereas my big toe is the longest. Which led me down a Morton's Toe rabbit hole.
Saturday, 21 November 2020
quote [ What do you get when you combine modern pop songs and medieval instruments and vocals? Bardcore. ]
I hadn't heard Pumped Up Kicks before, and now that I have, I think I prefer the bardcore version.
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