Friday, 23 June 2017

The key to jobs in the future is not college but compassion

quote [ Human jobs in the future will be the ones that require emotional labour: currently undervalued and underpaid but invaluable

A growing real-world demand for workers with empathy and a talent for making other people feel at ease requires a serious shift in perspective. It means moving away from our singular focus on academic performance as the road to success. It means giving more respect, and better pay, to workers too often generically dismissed as ‘unskilled labour’. And, it means valuing skills more often found among working-class women than highly educated men. ]

Instead of retraining low-paid caregivers to be high-paid tech workers, maybe pay them what they're actually worth (a lot).

It's the only thing we can do better than the machines.

[SFW] [business] [+2]
[by HoZay@5:29pmGMT]


foobar said @ 4:57am GMT on 24th Jun [Score:3 Funny]
Jesus fucking Christ, boomers, no, we are not going to rejig the economy to make millennials wipe your asses as you decompose. Just fucking die already.
bbqkink said[2] @ 6:15pm GMT on 23rd Jun [Score:1 Good]
Let the church say AMEN

Factory jobs sucked...then came the Union ...Organize! .
+++ Fifteen or fight!!+++

We have plenty of jobs what we don't have is wages.
Hugh E. said @ 7:02pm GMT on 23rd Jun
Why are you tryna take away Mistabossman's freedoms? Mistabossman he work hard get where he is.
bbqkink said @ 7:24pm GMT on 23rd Jun
bbqkink said @ 8:52pm GMT on 23rd Jun [Score:1 Informative]
And while I am on my soapbox....

New Study Finds Seattle’s $15 Minimum Wage “Achieved its Goal”

We were warned that higher minimum wages would result in restaurant closures and massive unemployment. A new report from UC Berkeley shoots down those unfounded threats.

1. First of all, wages in Seattle food service increased. This is a no-brainer — when you raise wages, wages will be raised — but it’s important to state the obvious.

2. Full-service restaurant employers can apply a temporary tip credit to wages, effectively allowing customers to subsidize wages for a limited time. (This tip credit will go away when the law is in full effect in 2021.) Those tipped workers, obviously, are seeing less of an increase than others.

3. The minimum wage didn’t lower employment — not even at Subways and McDonald’s, which we were warned were especially vulnerable to a minimum wage increase.

4. In fact, the Berkeley study found that “wages increase[d] substantially more in limited service restaurants than in the overall food service industry.” Subways and other fast-food chains were paying so little that when the minimum wage went up, they had to increase wages by a lot in comparison to full-service restaurants in the area.

5. And yet, when those limited-service restaurants like McDonald’s raised their wages, they didn’t stop hiring. They didn’t lay employees off or close locations. They paid the higher wages and business continued as usual. “The evidence collected here,” the Berkeley researchers conclude, “suggests that minimum wages in Seattle up to $13 per hour raised wages for low-paid workers without causing disemployment.”
mechavolt said @ 11:02pm GMT on 23rd Jun
Trickle down doesn't work, and all of the evidence in the world says that it doesn't. And yet that doesn't stop the power-controlling party from believing in it with a religious fervor. I don't expect them to pay any attention to actual evidence that trickle up is the way to go.
bbqkink said @ 12:41am GMT on 24th Jun
Me either and my throat is getting sore from the preaching...but I have been fighting this fight so long...not ready to quit yet. I have long stopped working for wages but I know this is the best thing to do for my community...Fifteen or Fight!
captainstubing said @ 12:05pm GMT on 24th Jun
It works just fine in developing economies - it is the 'investment-led model' that pretty much every successfully developing economy in the past century has used. China, Korea, Japan, all the SEA Tigers, India (to a lesser extent), Brazil back in the day...'trickle down' worked just fine.

Worthless in a developed economy, however.
SnappyNipples said[1] @ 5:48pm GMT on 23rd Jun
Yeah, but direct service providers pays like McDonald's and the republican insurance underwriters sure do not want to pay what they are really worth. Most of them that I do know do not get 40 hours a week, they're lucky to score 30.

LurkerAtTheGate said @ 7:08pm GMT on 23rd Jun
And the (pictured) elderly care is typically paid by the Elderly who think they can pay in 1950s dollars.
sanepride said @ 9:07pm GMT on 23rd Jun
Not so much that the (pictured) elderly think they can pay in 1950's dollars, as the (pictured) elderly living on very limited incomes, with little to no extra to pay for this kind of help beyond meager, restricted government benefits.
HoZay said @ 10:14pm GMT on 23rd Jun
Several things need adjustment to make this system work. Such as considering elderly people to have a right to care and respect, and doing s job that involves shit should pay pretty damned well.
mechanical contrivance said @ 6:01pm GMT on 23rd Jun
Humans are better than machines at turning footballs inside out.
sanepride said @ 8:03pm GMT on 23rd Jun
If not for immigrants there would be almost nobody to fill these jobs.

Meanwhile, don't be so sure that even this work can't be roboticized.
'Robot & Frank' Trailer HD
HoZay said @ 5:46am GMT on 24th Jun
I don't know if you read the article, but it's not just about nursing aides, and it's not just about pay. The concept of care workers includes doctors, nurses, teachers, police, lots of work that involves people having very personal interactions with other people. Many of them are undervalued because they are traditionally women's jobs. Others are missed opportunities, such as police not trained to deal with mental illness, except with force.

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