Saturday, 21 May 2022

Barnes & Noble Being Sued in Virginia Beach Over GENDER QUEER, COURT OF MIST AND FURY

quote [ A Virginia lawyer and state delegate has filed a restraining order against Barnes & Noble for carrying GENDER QUEER. ]

My words worth like Barnes & Noble
[SFW] [literature] [+2]
[by ScoobySnacks@5:01amGMT]


mechanical contrivance said @ 2:44pm GMT on 21st May
A republican is running for office and is using this high profile lawsuit to drum up publicity for himself. It's not about protecting children. It's about getting elected.
cb361 said @ 2:58pm GMT on 21st May
Politicians wouldn’t be that cynical or underhand.
Naruki said @ 3:11am GMT on 22nd May
It's always morally right to punch a nazi.

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