Tuesday, 12 October 2021

San Diego police officer charged with pulling gun in alleged road rage

quote [ He is now assigned to administrative duties. His attorney says it was the other driver who engaged in “serious” road rage. ]

When I hear someone say " it was the other guy who was doing the road rage!" the first thing that comes to mind is "that shit didn't work in the 3rd grade, and it's not gonna work with your boss..."
[SFW] [crime & punishment]
[by knumbknutz@7:42pmGMT]


cb361 said @ 8:22pm GMT on 12th Oct
What an idiot. Now he's assigned to administrative duties! If he had just shot the other guy, he'd be back on patrol by now.
mechanical contrivance said @ 8:47pm GMT on 12th Oct
All he had to do was shoot him and say it looked like he had a gun. There would have been no questions asked.
steele said @ 9:14pm GMT on 12th Oct
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steele said @ 5:56pm GMT on 13th Oct
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