Sunday, 26 March 2017

The coalition Democrats have to make to win.

quote [ By working together, the two groups can reach more people and amplify their messages, activists say.

"What we both realize is we're stronger when we operate together," Fells said. ]

This is the first I have seen this attempted...and the good news for me, is that effort came from the black wing.

The labor movement was The principal force that transformed
misery and despair into hope and progress. Out of its bold struggles,
economic and social reform gave birth to unemployment insurance, old-
age pensions, government relief for the destitute, and, above all, new wage
levels that meant not mere survival but a tolerable life. The captains of
industry did not lead this transformation; they resisted it until they were
overcome. When in the thirties the wave of union organization crested over
the nation, it carried to secure shores not only itself but the whole society.
Civilization began to grow in the economic life of man, and a decent life
with a sense of security and dignity became a reality rather than a distant
It is a mark of our intellectual backwardness that these monumental
achievements of labor are still only dimly seen, and in all too many circles
the term “union” is still synonymous with self-seeking, power hunger,
racketeering, and cynical coercion. There have been and still are wrongs
in the trade union movement, but its share of credit for triumphant
accomplishments is substantially denied in the historical treatment of
the nation’s progress.
Speech given to the Illinois State AFL-CIO

Fight for $15 Launches National Protest on April 4

This also significant that it took place in Ferguson. Where voter turnout is abysmal in the black community...even after a year of activism this was the result...

"Demonstrations gave way to increased civic activism with 29% of eligible voters casting more than 3,700 ballots. That's more than double the 12% of eligible voters that came out for last April's mayoral election."

29% WTF and they are bragging...29...seriously?

Ferguson voters make history and increase turnout
[SFW] [politics] [+2 Good]
[by bbqkink]
<-- Entry / Comment History

bbqkink said @ 4:07pm GMT on 27th March
And somebody should tell the DNC to stop using it. This incidence proves that beyond and doubt.

bbqkink said @ 4:08pm GMT on 27th March
And somebody should tell the DNC to stop using it. This incidence proves that beyond any doubt.

bbqkink said @ 5:16pm GMT on 27th March
And somebody should tell the DNC to stop using it. This incidence proves that beyond any doubt.

80% of the Clinton campaine ads we non policy based...I'm not Trump, I am a woman, You are black, you are Mexican....It is a losing method...and somebody needs to make it stop!!!

You don't like the term..well lets hear another one that describes "Vote for me because you are...fill in the blank, and I will use it.

Even in the age of Dr. King we didn't do that...each one of those demonstration or marches weren't look at me I'm black...they were about specific policy. rights....bus strike...garbage strike...not Identity.

"The Democratic Party is deeply unpopular – period. It’s a fact. Don’t look away. Don’t call me a Bernie Bro. It’s a problem that must be seriously addressed. Not a day goes by when I don’t have people reach out to me and ask if it would be worth it to start a credible alternative to what the Democrats are offering. Most people, I believe, would also be open to a brand new way of business for the Democratic Party, but core leaders seem hell bent on doing the same old crap."

KING: The Democratic Party seems to have no earthly idea why it is so damn unpopular

Somebody need to make them stop before lifelong Democrats, like me start calling "Steele" to find out where the Greens are having a rally.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
bbqkink said @ 4:07pm GMT on 27th March [Score:-1]
And somebody should tell the DNC to stop using it. This incidence proves that beyond any doubt.

80% of the Clinton campaine ads we non policy based...I'm not Trump, I am a woman, You are black, you are Mexican....It is a losing method...and somebody needs to make it stop!!!

You don't like the term..well lets hear another one that describes "Vote for me because you are...fill in the blank, and I will use it.

Even in the age of Dr. King we didn't do that...each one of those demonstration or marches weren't look at me I'm black...they were about specific policy. rights....bus strike...garbage strike...not Identity.

"The Democratic Party is deeply unpopular – period. It’s a fact. Don’t look away. Don’t call me a Bernie Bro. It’s a problem that must be seriously addressed. Not a day goes by when I don’t have people reach out to me and ask if it would be worth it to start a credible alternative to what the Democrats are offering. Most people, I believe, would also be open to a brand new way of business for the Democratic Party, but core leaders seem hell bent on doing the same old crap."

KING: The Democratic Party seems to have no earthly idea why it is so damn unpopular

Somebody need to make them stop before lifelong Democrats, like me start calling "Steele" to find out where the Greens are having a rally.

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