Saturday, 14 January 2017

Listen Liberal... it is much easier to take over the Democratic party than reinvent the wheel

quote [ Bernie Sanders Is Shifting The Democratic Establishment
His new strategy has Democrats rallying in 40 cities on Sunday.

“For the first time in the modern history of the Democratic party, we’re going to see aggressive outreach efforts,” Sanders told The Huffington Post. “This is a beginning, I hope, of a transformation in the Democratic Party. … Our work has to focus on energizing people where they live and showing them what we are fighting for.” ]

Boy do we owe this guy bigtime.
[SFW] [politics] [+6 Good]
[by bbqkink]
<-- Entry / Comment History

bbqkink said @ 3:05am GMT on 14th January
The ones that mattered were the ones in the Primary.

>the Democratic Party will always be a neoliberal party instead of a progressive one

They were very liberal until Reagan...then lost a lot. Clinton convinced them that if the moved to the right they could win...they did and they has been that way ever since....well the third way has had a series of loses time to retire them and let the populist have their turn....the problem that most don't see here is that the Black vote is neither progressive...they have had a taste of power and argue the only reason we stopped the Republican string was the black guy...and with their new leader they have power organization and a strong message...Identity driven centrism...the 3rd way is on the way out... I just hope the blacks and the populist can make peace.

bbqkink said @ 3:18am GMT on 14th January
The ones that mattered were the ones in the Primary.

>the Democratic Party will always be a neoliberal party instead of a progressive one

They were very liberal until Reagan...then lost a lot. Clinton convinced them that if the moved to the right they could win...they did and they has been that way ever since....well the third way has had a series of loses time to retire them and let the populist have their turn....the problem that most don't see here is that the Black vote is neither progressive or populist ...they have had a taste of power and argue the only reason we stopped the Republican string was the black guy...and with their new leader they have power organization and a strong message...Identity driven centrism...the 3rd way is on the way out... I just hope the blacks and the populist can make peace.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
bbqkink said @ 3:05am GMT on 14th January
The ones that mattered were the ones in the Primary.

>the Democratic Party will always be a neoliberal party instead of a progressive one

They were very liberal until Reagan...then lost a lot. Clinton convinced them that if the moved to the right they could win...they did and they has been that way ever since....well the third way has had a series of loses time to retire them and let the populist have their turn....the problem that most don't see here is that the Black vote is neither progressive or populist ...they have had a taste of power and argue the only reason we stopped the Republican string was the black guy...and with their new leader they have power organization and a strong message...Identity driven centrism...the 3rd way is on the way out... I just hope the blacks and the populist can make peace.

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