Wednesday, 23 October 2019

People I Want to Punch in the Throat: Why My Children Have No Right to Privacy

quote [ My friend Kim at Let Me Start By Saying wrote an essay that was featured on the Huffington Post. It was about reading her five-year-old daughter's diary. Kim knew her daughter had been writing in her diary and Kim wondered what was going on in her daughter's head. She took the key and opened the book. [...]Now, it's known that the Huffington Post has some of the meanest, angriest, trolliest commenters around. I always imagine many of them living in vans down by the river or licking Cheetos residue from their fingers while typing their raging opus in their mother's dark basements. Well, Kim struck a nerve with her post and got those vans and basements rattling with anger. ]

I'd also like to note that only ONE of us lived in a van. No word on if he eats cheetos.

I found this while trying to figure out parents' rules about guns in the house. I can predict the majority SE opinion on this, but I'm curious about everyone's reasoning for coming to whichever conclusion they did.
[SFW] [Big Brother] [+5 WTF]
[by snowfox]
<-- Entry / Comment History

the circus said @ 1:34pm GMT on 23rd October
All well and good for a truly reasonable parent. But in truth, most people aren't that reasonable but still consider themselves paragons of reason. I'm thinking of all the dogmatically religious households and the children trying to survive to adulthood who happen to be gay or engage with the world in a non flat earth and creationist manner.

the circus said @ 1:37pm GMT on 23rd October
All well and good for a truly reasonable parent. But in truth, most people aren't that reasonable but still consider themselves paragons of reason. I'm thinking of all the dogmatically religious households and the children trying to survive to adulthood who happen to be gay or want to engage with the world in a non flat earth and creationist manner.

Also, what's the next step up from helicopter parent? Steamroller parent?

<-- Entry / Current Comment
the circus said @ 1:34pm GMT on 23rd October
All well and good for a truly reasonable parent. But in truth, most people aren't that reasonable but still consider themselves paragons of reason. I'm thinking of all the dogmatically religious households and the children trying to survive to adulthood who happen to be gay or want to engage with the world in a non flat earth and creationist manner.

Also, what's the next step up from helicopter parent? Steamroller parent?

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