Thursday, 11 April 2019

Can Bernie Sanders Finally Start Acting Like the One Thing He’s Never Been: the Favorite?

I saw this and thought, "...It's been a while since we had a riot."

No quote. Title suggests author's position on Sanders, not going to cherrypick anything positive or negative from the article. Posting because it gives some fresh perspective about what people think and why.

Personal thoughts. We tend to turn candidates from people into living symbols, and then often lose track of the duality. No matter how much of a symbol someone becomes, they won't stop being just some person. When we can't separate the ideology we believe someone represents from that person, that can lead to a break-down in rational discussion about values, how to pursue them, and what compromises we can make with eachother to get anything done at all. When you combine that with our innate tendency toward tribalism, meaningful communication and achievement become impossible; it's just about not letting "them" win, whichever side you perceive as "them".
[SFW] [politics] [+3 Hot Pr0n]
[by snowfox]
<-- Entry / Comment History

rylex said @ 11:43pm GMT on 11th April
hey. i have a valid question for you, if you would care to answer it.

what do you feel about the changes being made by the Trump administration in regards to some consumer safety standards, and the changes brought about in the EPA? if you would like some article links to refresh yourself on what I speak, I can furnish some. they will be from news sources you deride, and I apologize for this, the reason is news sources you laud are choosing to not cover it.

rylex said @ 11:44pm GMT on 11th April
hey. i have a valid question for you, if you would care to answer it.

what do you feel about the changes being made by the Trump administration in regards to some consumer safety standards, and the changes brought about in the EPA? do these fit in with your business ethics, or are they against?

if you would like some article links to refresh yourself on what I speak, I can furnish some. they will be from news sources you deride, and I apologize for this, the reason is news sources you laud are choosing to not cover it.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
rylex said @ 11:43pm GMT on 11th April [Score:-4]
hey. i have a valid question for you, if you would care to answer it.

what do you feel about the changes being made by the Trump administration in regards to some consumer safety standards, and the changes brought about in the EPA? do these fit in with your business ethics, or are they against?

if you would like some article links to refresh yourself on what I speak, I can furnish some. they will be from news sources you deride, and I apologize for this, the reason is news sources you laud are choosing to not cover it.

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