Wednesday, 19 September 2018

What Happened : Hillary Rodham Clinton

quote [ Clinton expresses concern for future of US democracy under Trump ]

Oh some of you are going to hate this, but this is the best interview of Clinton since the election...It breaks some news and even makes some predictions for the future.

Part II

Hillary Clinton talks with Rachel Maddow about whether Democrats should impeach Donald Trump and what else they should plan for if they win control of one or both houses of Congress in 2018.

Clinton expresses concern for future of US democracy under Trump

Part III

Hillary Clinton talks with Rachel Maddow about what the appropriate course of action is to ensure that Christine Blasey Ford's accusation of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh is properly vetted.

Clinton: W.H. should ask FBI to reopen Kavanaugh background check

Part IV

Hillary Clinton talks with Rachel Maddow about whether Democrats, when next they're in power, should use the Republican hardball playbook on Supreme Court nominees and other governmental processes previously dictated by behavioral norms

Clinton: Democrats must restore regular order in Washington

Part V

Hillary Clinton talks with Rachel Maddow about the facts that are known so far about Russia's relationship with the NRA, and in particular Russia's use of the NRA to go after her politically in the 2016 election.

Clinton: Russian money to NRA should be investigated

Part VI

Hillary Clinton talks with Rachel Maddow about evidence that has turned up since the election in various Trump Russia investigations that Russia was specifically targeting Clinton for years, even before the 2016 election.

Investigations show Russia's particular interest in Clinton

Part VII

Hillary Clinton talks with Rachel Maddow about the awkward position of Donald Trump administration staffers like the anonymous Op-ed writer who see themselves as protecting the U.S. from Trump's incompetence, and predicts that Trump will engage in mass firings after the 2018 election.

Clinton: Trump will 'wholesale fire people' after 2018 election

[SFW] [politics] [+2 Interesting]
[by bbqkink]
<-- Entry / Comment History

bbqkink said @ 4:18pm GMT on 21st September
The latter will happen eventually anyway

You are still making the same mistake many of the people around here have been making And for the life of me I can't see why you don't get it "Trump ain't no Republican" as a mater of fact Trump may have killed Republican one thing for sure the party of Reagan is dead.

You all talk about the Overton window like it is relevant...that's a joke. That was the first thing Trump smashed. Norms in political discussion hell Trump is smashing Norms in American government and governance. This is not ordanary nothing like this has ever happened and for you to suggest this is just normal is just wrong.

And to think it won't affect Canada is naive look at the tariffs it has already dtarted and if you don't think the White National empowerment won't cross the border...well.
And Trump is not 1/2 way through his first term. And chances are you will have to deall with a Trump court for the rest of your life.

bbqkink said @ 4:22pm GMT on 21st September
The latter will happen eventually anyway

You are still making the same mistake many of the people around here have been making And for the life of me I can't see why you don't get it "Trump ain't no Republican" as a mater of fact Trump may have killed "Republican" for good, one thing for sure the party of Reagan is dead.Yet to be seen if they get any part of their party back.

You all talk about the Overton window like it is relevant...that's a joke. That was the first thing Trump smashed. Norms in "political discussion" hell Trump is smashing Norms in American government and governance. This is not ordinary. Nothing like this has ever happened and for you to suggest this is just normal is just wrong.

And to think it won't affect Canada is naive look at the tariffs it has already started and if you don't think the White National empowerment won't cross the border...well.
And Trump is not 1/2 way through his first term. And chances are you will have to deal with a Trump court for the rest of your life.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
bbqkink said @ 4:18pm GMT on 21st September [Score:-1 WTF]
The latter will happen eventually anyway

You are still making the same mistake many of the people around here have been making And for the life of me I can't see why you don't get it "Trump ain't no Republican" as a mater of fact Trump may have killed "Republican" for good, one thing for sure the party of Reagan is dead.Yet to be seen if they get any part of their party back.

You all talk about the Overton window like it is relevant...that's a joke. That was the first thing Trump smashed. Norms in "political discussion" hell Trump is smashing Norms in American government and governance. This is not ordinary. Nothing like this has ever happened and for you to suggest this is just normal is just wrong.

And to think it won't affect Canada is naive look at the tariffs it has already started and if you don't think the White National empowerment won't cross the border...well.
And Trump is not 1/2 way through his first term. And chances are you will have to deal with a Trump court for the rest of your life.

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