Monday, 17 September 2018

And another lie disproven...again.

quote [ Minimum wage hikes in six cities: big impact on pay, none on jobs ]

Let me repeat...Raising the Minimum Wage has never been bad for business, never been bad for the government and has never caused job mater what lies you have been told.

It has pulled people out of poverty, raised tax income for cities states and the federal government and increased local business where ever it has been done

The minimum wage in the United States is set by US labor law and a range of state and local laws. Employers generally have to pay workers the highest minimum wage prescribed by federal, state, and local law. Since July 24, 2009, the federal government has mandated a nationwide minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
[SFW] [politics] [+6 Good]
[by bbqkink]
<-- Entry / Comment History

Ussmak said @ 5:26am GMT on 18th September
This is one area where I agree with most of you on. There's absolutely zero excuse as to why the federal minimum wage can't be at the very least ten dollars an hour.

The larger issue is still inflation though.

Ussmak said @ 5:26am GMT on 18th September
This is one area where I agree with most of you. There's absolutely zero excuse as to why the federal minimum wage can't be at the very least ten dollars an hour.

The larger issue is still inflation though.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
Ussmak said @ 5:26am GMT on 18th September [Score:1 Underrated]
This is one area where I agree with most of you. There's absolutely zero excuse as to why the federal minimum wage can't be at the very least ten dollars an hour.

The larger issue is still inflation though.

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