Thursday, 17 May 2018

Basic Income, Not Basic Jobs: Against Hijacking Utopia

quote [ Social responsibility. Sense of purpose. Community. Meaningful ways to spend your time. This is some big talk for promoting jobs that in real life are probably going to involve a lot of “Do you want fries with that?” ]

[SFW] [politics] [+6]
[by arrowhen]
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milkman666 said @ 8:04pm GMT on 18th May
So this just swings back to you being the arbiter for which ideas are worthwhile to talk about and which ones are not, lest our precious political fluid finds itself wasted on barren earth.

I can see why people figure its better to disengage. Because even the attempt to talk about it is null. Its a waste of a precious resource, which you're apparently able to gauge. Is that measured in social media likes per second, or just likes per second? LPS?

So the current amount of LPS which we're able to utilize is static? Or does it change? How much LPS is currently being allocated to a greater minimum wage, as opposed to UBI? If we were able to cause a shift, would that create the change we're looking for or is it still insufficient? Do we need to secure additional sources of LPS?

I think we need to secure additional sources of LPS. I understand in times of crisis, in lean moments we do what we must to rally what precious resources we have to survive. But daring is something i hope has not been breed out people of this nation. A collection of survivors. Of explorers. Of banished rogues and criminals. I say we pursue a policy of augmenting our LPS. Of increasing our bounty. We do ill to miserly eat every seeds of change instead of sowing them, under the mistaken belief its all our nothing. Under the mistaken belief that there is only one way forward. In the words of Cesar Chavez, "SI SE PUEDE!"

milkman666 said @ 8:08pm GMT on 18th May

milkman666 said @ 8:13pm GMT on 18th May
nevermind... feels bad man

<-- Entry / Current Comment
milkman666 said @ 8:04pm GMT on 18th May [Score:-2]
nevermind... feels bad man

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