Thursday, 17 May 2018

Basic Income, Not Basic Jobs: Against Hijacking Utopia

quote [ Social responsibility. Sense of purpose. Community. Meaningful ways to spend your time. This is some big talk for promoting jobs that in real life are probably going to involve a lot of “Do you want fries with that?” ]

[SFW] [politics] [+6]
[by arrowhen]
<-- Entry / Comment History

bbqkink said @ 7:12pm GMT on 18th May
How about YOU for once try and defend your position.

It doesn't mater what he maters what can be done...this jobs program is a hard stretch...but it is possible...UBI is a pipe dream...a solution for a problem that doesn't exist. But by taking that positions you are letting the perfect be the enemy of the good....fairy dust is not the answer it is a pipe dream.

There are several test cases no going on for UBI most are working fairly point is there are things we can do now...people are in trouble now and it is not do to a robots taking is due to low poor people have two of them.

bbqkink said @ 7:16pm GMT on 18th May
How about YOU for once try and defend your position.

It doesn't mater what he maters what can be done...this jobs program is a hard stretch...but it is possible...UBI is a pipe dream...a solution for a problem that doesn't exist. But by taking that positions you are letting the perfect be the enemy of the good....fairy dust is not the answer it is a pipe dream.

There are several test cases no going on for UBI most are working fairly point is there are things we can do now...people are in trouble now and it is not do to a robots taking is due to low poor people have two of them.

The problem is that the woman who works at nurses aid doesn't make enough to survive let alone buy things like a car, the guy who works at the gas station has to have another job just to pay the bills...but we can't raise the MW because of robots.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
bbqkink said @ 7:12pm GMT on 18th May
How about YOU for once try and defend your position.

It doesn't mater what he maters what can be done...this jobs program is a hard stretch...but it is possible...UBI is a pipe dream...a solution for a problem that doesn't exist. But by taking that positions you are letting the perfect be the enemy of the good....fairy dust is not the answer it is a pipe dream.

There are several test cases no going on for UBI most are working fairly point is there are things we can do now...people are in trouble now and it is not do to a robots taking is due to low poor people have two of them.

The problem is that the woman who works at nurses aid doesn't make enough to survive let alone buy things like a car, the guy who works at the gas station has to have another job just to pay the bills...but we can't raise the MW because of robots.

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