on the internet, you'll always be 18 to us
I think I got most of the errors, let me know if I missed any. -steele
All posts by Dissonant
Saturday, 27 June 2015

University of Virginia discovers lymphatic vessels in the CNS (including humans')

quote [ This find is the neuroimmunological version of stumbling across a unicorn. Not only had the system gone undiscovered until now, but textbooks argued against its very existence. As a result, neuroimmunologists have struggled to understand the mechanisms of brain drainage and inflammation. ]

Saw this and thought you people might wanna know. Thumb is the guy leading the research.

Link to the article preview in extended.

[SFW] [health] [+6 Interesting]
[by Dissonant@6:19pmGMT] [2 comments]

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Childhood bullying causes worse long-term mental health problems than maltreatment

quote [ Bullying adversely affects children in later life more than being maltreated, according to new research. A new study shows that children who have been bullied by peers suffer worse in the longer term than those who have been maltreated by adults. ]

As someone who was both bullied and maltreated, both of them fairly severely, I'm not sure if I entirely believe this article yet, but it makes enough sense out of my life that I kind of want to believe it. What do you think?
[SFW] [health] [+7 Interesting]
[by Dissonant@5:32amGMT] [12 comments]

Monday, 5 May 2014

Inside the Secret Sexual Matriarchy of Iran

quote [ How often do Americans actually meet Iranians? How often do we get to share a beer and actually try to understand each other? I had no idea what I was in for. ]

Interesting perspective on the underside of female sexual repression in Iran, not totally unlike what you might have found in Victorian England. Thumb is mostly-unrelated Iranian-British actress Nazanin Boniadi.

NSFW for frank sex talk. Unrelated question in comments.

[NSFW] [+6 Interesting]
[by Dissonant@5:49amGMT] [19 comments]

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