Thursday, 22 December 2016

The New Alternative to ‘Female Viagra’ Is Zapping the Brain

quote [ Neuroscientist Nicole Prause is researching the effectiveness of direct brain stimulation, which she describes as “like electroconvulsive therapy, but much more targeted and not nearly so dangerous,” to enhance the brain’s processing of sexual cues and increase sex drive in both women and men. ]

Shocking, isn't it? ;)
[SFW] [health] [+2]
[by ModerateJohnson@12:50amGMT]


rylex said @ 1:01am GMT on 22nd Dec
Didn't work for Frances Farmer.
Bleb said @ 1:54am GMT on 22nd Dec
She will have her revenge.
KingPellinore said @ 4:01pm GMT on 22nd Dec
Aw yeah, baby. Zap me all night long!
lilmookieesquire said @ 10:44pm GMT on 22nd Dec
Wouldn't female viagra just make you dripping wet? Like isn't making women horny basically real life medical Spanish Fly?
steele said @ 2:46am GMT on 23rd Dec
Maybe, but... Have I ever given you a lecture on priming? Actually, yes, you know how we've talked about how increased activity in certain areas of the brain reframes the perception of the subjective experience? This would increase activity of the area of the brain that would perceive things to be more sexual. It'd be like the difference between how a woman would see her best guy friend since highschool and the dark mysterious gentleman she just met and finds herself to be enthralled with complete fascination. They could both do the same actions like opening a door for her or buying her a drink, but the actions will be perceived through a different lens and thus responded to differently. Not just in her thoughts, but in her behavior, even at like a cardiopulmonary level. This would override her typical behavior and put her into the mood of seeing things in a sexual manner.
papango said @ 3:31am GMT on 23rd Dec
Dripping wet is part of being aroused, but it's not all there is. If it was, they could skip this research and just send out those giant barrels of lube that you can get on Amazon.

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