Sunday, 28 August 2016

Vote for the Lying Neoliberal Warmonger: It’s Important

quote [ An explanation for why defeating Donald Trump—despite what we know about Hillary Clinton—should be the left's primary national electoral objective this November ]

This is what I have been very poorly trying to say...even if everything you fear about her is true, voting for her is still the best way to further a progressive agenda, bar none

The PolitiFact scorecard Hillary Clinton's file

Polls Election 2016

This makes this point and will never have to bring it up again...if the subject ever comes up again I will just refer to "that post I made" are welcome and I will now get off my soapbox.

Here this came in yesterday's mail....

Sign the Petition Say You Want to Stop the TPP
[SFW] [politics] [+1 Interesting]
[by bbqkink@5:52pmGMT]


sanepride said @ 6:23pm GMT on 28th Aug [Score:1 Informative]
The inflammatory title belies the mostly positive argument for Clinton in this essay- it's worth a read even if it probably won't change many minds. But despite the author's impressive credentials and thoughtful historical perspective (including the obligatory Nazi analogies), it's unfortunate that his name is Adolph.
lilmookieesquire said[1] @ 6:36pm GMT on 28th Aug [Score:1 Informative]
The asshole that wrote this article voted for George Bush Junior instead of Al Gore. Fuck this guy.
lilmookieesquire said @ 6:40pm GMT on 28th Aug
"Gore’s selection of Joe Lieberman, who had led me in 1988 to cast my only vote ever for a Republican, as his running mate indicated where..."

This guy should be giving NO ONE political advice.

He has voted in 12 presidential elections making him at least 65. He voted for Bush Jr.




sanepride said @ 7:00pm GMT on 28th Aug [Score:1 Underrated]
Agreed, but on the other hand Lieberman, who went on to endorse McCain in 2008 and almost single-handedly ensured the exclusion of the Public Option from Obamacare is as worthy of contempt as any Republican.
midden said @ 7:15pm GMT on 28th Aug
Politics makes for strange bedfellows.
pleaides said @ 8:31am GMT on 29th Aug [Score:1 Underrated]
Some people change their minds mookie, and we should welcome that
conception said @ 4:27pm GMT on 29th Aug
Well, remember, Bush Jr. on the campaign trail also was a far different person than Bush Jr the President.
SnappyNipples said @ 6:42pm GMT on 28th Aug [Score:1 Underrated]
I'm still voting for the Asteroid.
HoZay said @ 8:27pm GMT on 28th Aug [Score:1 Informative]
bbqkink said @ 9:12pm GMT on 28th Aug
I still have it as 65/35...but it don't matter any more.
conception said @ 10:41pm GMT on 28th Aug [Score:1 Insightful]
I'm not sure this has been discussed here as yet, but there is definitely some moral licensing with HRC, as there was with Obama. I wonder how much of HRC's criticisms come down to that. Gladwell had an non-directly related podcast on it recently that was pretty interesting - The podcast in general is pretty good.
lilmookieesquire said @ 6:47pm GMT on 28th Aug
since I'm being a negative nancy, I thought I'd share the only part of the article I really found worth while
"In this respect one of the most interesting features of the Sanders campaign was that its objective was partly to encourage movement-building. The Labor for Bernie initiative, for example, has constructed a loose network of many thousands of union activists around the country and is undertaking discussions of next steps between now and November and beyond. The campaign demonstrated that a potential national constituency exists for a clear-headed working-class program. That constituency is one that must be cultivated, and the campaign’s most important accomplishment may turn out to be its bringing together activists in the trade unions and elsewhere who are committed to cultivating and expanding it. The Sanders campaign was tremendously successful at what it could do. Its real payoff will come as the movement-building initiatives bear fruit over the next several years. "

If you do read this, save yourself time and trouble and skip at least half way down.
Ussmak said @ 11:47pm GMT on 28th Aug
Since I live in a state that treats Republicanism like a religion, I'm not voting at all.
bbqkink said @ 12:03am GMT on 29th Aug [Score:1 Good]
Since they count all the votes please give that progressive thinking about next time one more bit of courage to try.
Ussmak said @ 12:14am GMT on 29th Aug
Yeah, that would be all well and good if we didn't have an Electoral College.

As soon as Trump won the nomination, he had my state in the bag.
bbqkink said[1] @ 12:48am GMT on 29th Aug [Score:2 Underrated]
I'm taking about the guy thinking about mayor in 2018/2020. Even if you live in Kansas or Mississippi they still count them all. And in some states they are looking for tipping points wondering when it might be possible to win.

HoZay said @ 12:37am GMT on 29th Aug
There are other things on the ballot - congressman, senator, school board, etc.
HP Lovekraftwerk said @ 4:59pm GMT on 29th Aug
That's not looking to be the case for a lot of states that were thought to be solidly in Trump's pocket. Missouri is heading towards being a swing state, for example.
profetscott said @ 3:22am GMT on 29th Aug
Hey BBQkink, did you sign the TPP petition(to stop the tpp) and then there was the boxes to check for what you would do to help, so you checked will share on social media? That's what I did, so I shared it on Facebook, kind of.
bbqkink said @ 3:03pm GMT on 29th Aug
No I haven't, still not sure what the right thing to do is. The mere mention of trade agreements in my part of the country sends shutters down our collective spine. I live in a town that should be familiar to many here it is the Midwestern town featured in the Thomas Frank book. An industrial town located in the middle of corn and soybean country. a one time labor town now brightly purple in political philosophy.

But with this deal I am getting mixed messages some I trust like Bernie are telling me it stinks...others Like Obama telling me this is the best you can get...if you don't take this what you will get one way or the other will be much worse. And to be quite honest neither one has made their case....just don't know. I lean no deal, but that is based on passed experience not this deal. I would like to hear more but fell this is one that will be decide without input which makes me even more on the no deal side...but

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