Monday, 3 March 2014

We need a header graphic!

quote [ Insert super awesome mind blowing logo here! much impress! ]

First, a few things. You may notice that there is a new link in your profile to "Change your account settings" On this page you can change your password or your email. On this page you may also notice it requires a certain level of complexity for your new password. Nothing too outrageous, just something that would cause a bruteforcer to become noticeable before gaining access. I'm doing my best to keep everything as simple as everyone is used to, but there are going to have to be some concessions if we want new users to sign up and be willing to trust that this site isn't going to get them hacked or infected.

I'm going to be switching back and forth between new features and fixing security issues pretty regularly. This should give me a good handle on how everything works in preparation for a full rebuild of the code base later on down the line.

In the meantime we need a header graphic! Yay! Who has ideas? mechanical contrivance threw together a couple graphics that I think are pretty cool. Thoughts?

Also, does anyone have the old mini banner for the mafia section? I'd like to put that up again, or we can just make a new one if anyone is feeling creative.

[SFW] [Meta SE] [+6 Good]
[by steele@12:00amGMT]


brat#3 said @ 12:41am GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:4 Informative]
I have a graphic design background and I'd like to help out, but realistically I'm not going to be able to devote real time to it til mid April. I'd promise you something really really awesome, though. I got mad skillz.
krupa said @ 8:09pm GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:1 Informative]
Don't forget this.
lalanda said @ 12:57am GMT on 3rd Mar
So you'll design the background?!
brat#3 said @ 1:13am GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:3 Funny]
Yeah, it'll be one of those awesome modern art things called something like 'Musings on a theme of White, IV' and no one will want to admit that there's nothing there to look at so they'll just nod very slowly and seriously and talk about how I've really captured the essence of a website background.
Bleb said @ 1:57am GMT on 3rd Mar
But mummy, e's not wearin' any clothes!
brat#3 said @ 3:14am GMT on 3rd Mar
He just forgot to change the post to NSFW, that's all...
spazm said @ 5:54pm GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:3 Good]

Just givin it a shot
mechanical contrivance said @ 5:58pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Where's the top hat?

C18H27NO3 said @ 1:41am GMT on 7th Mar
C18H27NO3 said @ 1:41am GMT on 7th Mar
Sorry for the size, fuck me.
blacksun said @ 5:46am GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:2 Good]
Give me a couple days. I'll add my take on it with a couple mockups.

Funny, I never really connected the original logo with Coke. Don't know why. To me the cursive adds a touch of class. Yet there's the word Erection right in there, so it's like "classy filth", which I think fits with SE. So, I give some points to the original design. But, fuck it, new URL new logo, change is good. Logos are a tricky thing though, and I think we should vote, or maybe even vote, try one out, then if it starts to suck after a couple weeks, try another.

Maybe we should at least keep the same color red in there, for continuity?
arrowhen said @ 6:08am GMT on 3rd Mar
Yeah, I never made the Coke connection either. I don't know why, but for some reason the font always vaguely reminded me of classic cars.
arrowhen said @ 6:50pm GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:2 Underrated]
Is there any reason we even NEED a header graphic?
b said @ 7:18pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Not really. I kind of actually like it the way it is now. I'd just say take out "much impress" and replace it with "sensibleendowment".
spazm said @ 7:34pm GMT on 3rd Mar
That would look awesome on a mug or a shirt.
mechanical contrivance said @ 9:03pm GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:2]
seneschal said @ 7:48pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Corporate Branding. We need brand recognition and increased market confidence so that we can increase our investor base to leverage a hostile takeover of geocities.
conception said @ 12:10am GMT on 5th Mar
Yeah, I'd kill the header all together. Maybe just make the "home | about | search | post" a bit larger and make "home" "sensibleendowment" or something. Any recent site design doesn't really use header graphics.
blacksun said @ 2:17am GMT on 5th Mar [Score:2]
I don't pretend that these are anything special. I just made some text red and tried out a bunch of fonts. But at least this gives you guys something to look at and argue about. Perhaps fight in a pit of some kind. Maybe someone can take one and expand on it. Or, I can do another pass with input. I think #10 is the original SE font, but I'm not sure. close to it. Notice the "upward bend" on #12. WINK WINK. NUDGE NUDGE.

Click for biggie.

brat#3 said @ 3:03am GMT on 5th Mar
See I think that last one has some potential ;) At least, you know, it looks like it's got some spunk. Ready for some action. I think it could handle some work, but we could end up with something big.

(tangent, you know you're a design nerd when you can look at this list and name most of the fonts off the top of your head..)
AssBastard said @ 3:44am GMT on 5th Mar
Okay, yeah, I like #12. It's just cheeky enough to make me smile a bit every time I see it.
AssBastard said @ 4:27am GMT on 5th Mar
Goddammit, I keep forgetting that without Facial, it's mod THEN reply.
taeyn said @ 2:21pm GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:1 Insightful]
Mmmm... design by committee...
sanepride said @ 4:55pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Luckily it's just a website logo and not a massive skyscraper.
steele said @ 5:12pm GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:1 Insightful]
or the codebase ;)
seneschal said @ 5:41pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Well, I'm all in favor of having steele just pick one and put it in place.
steele said @ 6:15pm GMT on 3rd Mar
which is probably what will eventually happen. I'm just putting a call out for ideas. I'm not yet very graphical inclined. I'm more of the development side.
mechanical contrivance said @ 8:43pm GMT on 3rd Mar
I don't think it's going to be possible to make a logo everyone likes. Probably the best we can hope for is one that very few people hate.
ithaqua10 said @ 9:45pm GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:1 Good]
personally I say we come up with any new font but keep the favicon as our link to the old site.
steele said @ 12:09am GMT on 3rd Mar
I bite my thumb at thee, extended!!!

lalanda said @ 12:56am GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:3 Insightful]
All respect to mechcon, but none of them please. This isn't a wonka bar.

It's a can of coke called Sensible Erection. Only, now it's an Endowment.

My point being that some continuity would be appreciated. I'm still getting weirded out by all the name changes. If you change your name, then SE is still the same to you, but it's not the same for other people. So it becomes a site with a bunch of names I don't recognise, which is the same as going to a new site.

Old stick in the mud mode activated!
Bleb said @ 1:52am GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:4 Good]
My two SEnts: I like the idea of continuity between the new site and the old site, if only for nostalgia's sake. I'm not saying we need to carry the loki font over, but maybe a nod to it?

I was thinking of maybe an "SE" logo in loki, then a new font/design for the actual text. Here's a 2-minute dirty version of what I mean (just to show the layout, not the actual logo or font):

PS: I hope Bleb is close enough to sensibleb that everyone gets the connection. You all called me bleb on 1.0 anyway, so I decided to roll with it.
mechanical contrivance said @ 6:17am GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:1 Underrated]
I'd like something that doesn't look like a corporate logo.
steele said @ 11:56am GMT on 3rd Mar
They'll never see us coming ;)
Mythtyn said @ 2:39am GMT on 4th Mar
Sensibleendowment Inc, helping people jack of horses since 2014
steele said @ 1:57am GMT on 3rd Mar
That's pretty awesome too :D
brat#3 said @ 2:37am GMT on 3rd Mar
I think that's a good direction/way to merge old & new.
radioelectric said @ 6:01am GMT on 3rd Mar
How does that blue circle to the left look at favicon size?
Ankylosaur said @ 6:07am GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:1 Insightful]
Unreadable. But then, GE doesn't use their logo for their favicon either.
Bleb said @ 8:49am GMT on 3rd Mar
Yeah, I see that and Procter & Gamble.
seneschal said @ 8:38am GMT on 3rd Mar
I like this one, but I agree it looks corporate. I'm not sure that's a problem. I also liked the one from the original thread with Sensible as it was on OSE, and Erection scratched away, replaced with Endowment in a different font.

I also like the idea of making something new. I also like the top hat idea, but not the willy wonka font. Not fond of purple as a font color.

If SE were a person, I'm pretty sure he'd be a badger with a mustache, wearing a tattered top hat with some cyberpunk google glass in place of a monocle, and I'm pretty sure he'd carry a fine gold pocket watch and hobo's bundle on a stick without embarrassment.

We're diverse and eclectic, and that's hard to represent visually.
TheThirstyMonk said @ 3:02am GMT on 4th Mar
Hm, a lazy edit, but I couldn't help making it into a business card really quick. Also hoping I don't screw up the thread, I suck at html.

brat#3 said @ 1:18am GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:2]
My thoughts: the old logo and these ones in essence say nothing about the site. They don't set tone and they don't indicate anything about SE that makes it unique. It's just a font, coke can or wonka based whatever. You put any words in and the logo is basically identical. I understand the coke lettering is historical and sentimental, but it's been done so many times by so many different people/lame t shirts, whatever. Why not try and create something which couldn't be for anything other than SE? That actually says something about the site or the people?

I even feel like the avatars are a bit too much using someone else's language and conventions to tell our story, but at the same time I've wanted one for ages so I'm enjoying it :P Anyway my vote is for an actual proper identity for us, not just more appropriation.
steele said @ 1:25am GMT on 3rd Mar
so what shall we do till april? :D
HoZay said @ 5:08am GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:1 Funny]
azazel said @ 1:50am GMT on 3rd Mar
I just adblock the avatars, because I don't like them.

As for the rest, I like this idea, and the willy wonka theme wasn't really doing it for me either.
sanepride said @ 5:10pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Nice intentions, but how do you (and why would you) 'brand' something which by its nature is anarchic?
Good, thoughtful design certainly has its place (I also have something of a visual/graphic design background btw), but it seems just as appropriate here to just assign every member a letter and then just randomly pick them to spell out 'Sensible Endowment'. Sure the result may be ugly and even illegible but it would reflect the (hopefully) diverse, unruly character of SE. Assuming of course that's what the new SE is destined to be.
brat#3 said @ 10:18pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Well, I don't think I ever used the word 'brand'. All we seem to be doing at the moment is suggesting how to use other people's brands, and I don't see the point of that. You're talking about something that is what I would actually want to do: create something that reflects the diverse, unruly character of SE. But you're not going to be able to do that by picking one or two fonts and putting the words in. Assigning each letter a different kind of personality or background is an idea worth exploring. Making something with more of a pictorial background that can incorporate what subjects we cover, what jokes we make, whatever. There's plenty to pull inspiration from without settling for appropriation.
sanepride said @ 2:30am GMT on 4th Mar
I freely admit my effort was slapdash at best. Don't take my ruminations the wrong way, I look forward to whatever you may come up with.
steele said @ 1:05am GMT on 3rd Mar
Is it ironic if I don't remember you at all? :P
lalanda said @ 1:15am GMT on 3rd Mar
Maybe. I only joined old SE in 2002.
HoZay said @ 1:06am GMT on 3rd Mar
I'm with you on the name changes.
seneschal said @ 8:28am GMT on 3rd Mar
Sigh. Okay that seems to be a common sentiment. Should I ask steele to change my name back if he's willing?
steele said @ 11:44am GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:3 Underrated]
Ahem. Fuck that.

1) Be called what you want to be called. It's not your job to fit into other people's little boxes. People grow and change and other people should be respectful of that.

2) Our goal is to bring this community back to life and possibly get some new names around. If someone can't handle calling another person by a new name I shudder to think how they'll respond to an actual newbie.
lalanda said @ 11:28pm GMT on 4th Mar [Score:1 Underrated]
What's in a name?

I'm not telling people to change. Actually, all I've done is suggested people put their old nick in the profile of their new one.

I'm not trying to control people. I don't care what their name is, but I like the consistency.. This site is about people and knowing the user base. I'm looking forward to new people joining. However, with new names and no way of connecting them, it can feel like a bunch of strangers.

Seneschal is spite48. I get that now. However, you told me vikingbiochemist was here 'under a different name', which seemed coy. I was actually trying to find out because otherwise I'd have tried to find a way to make contact.
steele said @ 11:53pm GMT on 4th Mar
Fair enough, I was more responding to the idea that someone would feel pressured enough to want to change their name back.

I wasn't being coy, it's not my business to tell. I really shouldn't have even answered the original inquiry. If people want to be someone new and don't want other people to know about it that's their business.
lalanda said @ 1:19am GMT on 5th Mar
HoZay said @ 3:02pm GMT on 3rd Mar
3) Steele has enough shit to do already.
arrowhen said @ 6:48pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Even though I'm one of the ones complaining about the name changes, I still think people should call themselves whatever the hell they want.
Bleb said @ 1:56am GMT on 3rd Mar
And I agree with lalanda on the wonkaness of this font. SE is a ridiculous place, but I don't think it's 1974 Mad magazine ridiculous.
mechanical contrivance said @ 5:26am GMT on 3rd Mar
The name of the font is willywonka.
b said @ 5:05pm GMT on 3rd Mar
If this was the graphic, I would cancel my sub.
steele said @ 5:34pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Then you must know the graphic that would get more to sub! :D
seneschal said @ 5:40pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Anthropomorphic penis wearing a top-hat, jacking off it's own penis and whistling?
mechanical contrivance said @ 5:53pm GMT on 3rd Mar
I think most of us would like something that's safe for work.

The reason I made those Willy Wonka logos is because it's a playful font, but the top hat adds a touch of class. It seems most people don't like the Willy Wonka font, and that's fine. I still think something playful but with a touch of class is the way to go.
seneschal said @ 7:46pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Yeah, I was kidding. I don't think a penis logo is appropriate.

I like your ideas - just not a fan of the font.
eggboy said @ 8:03pm GMT on 3rd Mar
I like it, without the erection the title this place is a little too sfw.

Also, hate to say it, but I miss the gay skinhead cartoons.
steele said @ 8:53pm GMT on 3rd Mar
I'm going to try and find those.
HoZay said @ 10:22pm GMT on 4th Mar
I have the old corner art - sent you a link.
Bleb said @ 10:27pm GMT on 4th Mar
Hey, could I get those too? Because reasons.
HoZay said @ 11:24pm GMT on 4th Mar
b said @ 7:16pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Not particularly, no. However, I think trying to design something around "playful, with a touch of class" is a recipe for disaster.

Personally, I think it should be simple, iconographic and steer far, far away from any goofy fonts.
bltrocker said @ 8:12pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Although I'm not of as strong an opinion as you about it, I agree. Goofy + class = neckbeard + fedora.
arrowhen said @ 8:40pm GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:1 Underrated]
Which one of those is "class"?
bltrocker said @ 9:08pm GMT on 3rd Mar
If you go back in time 60 years or so, a suit + full brimmed hat fits right in and looks pretty good.
mechanical contrivance said @ 8:39pm GMT on 3rd Mar
How about classy with a touch of playfulness/naughtiness/meatballs?
arrowhen said @ 6:27pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Couldn't you just ad-block it?
b said @ 7:14pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Nope. Can't tinker with this work computer and don't have one at home.
arrowhen said @ 8:27pm GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:1 Underrated]
Strategically placed duct tape on the screen?
snagUber said @ 12:18am GMT on 3rd Mar
I vote for one header graphic not yet present : black hats and black shadow.

I vote for the posse of asshats !
Ankylosaur said @ 2:06am GMT on 3rd Mar
sanepride said @ 2:48am GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:1 Funny]
So a blind guy picks up a piece of matzoh and says "who wrote this shit?"
Bleb said @ 5:39am GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:1 Informative]
I nearly went blind spending ten minutes deciphering that.
steele said @ 3:00am GMT on 3rd Mar
what's with the p and q? had me thrown off for a bit :(
arrowhen said @ 3:28am GMT on 3rd Mar
That's why you should always mind your p's and q's.
mechanical contrivance said @ 5:43am GMT on 3rd Mar
Flat braille isn't very useful.
seneschal said @ 8:38am GMT on 3rd Mar
I still like this one best.
seneschal said @ 8:39am GMT on 3rd Mar
sorry commented in the wrong place....
sanepride said @ 2:08am GMT on 3rd Mar
Submitted way back in post #1:

Enhanced w/ 'top hat' by mechanical contrivance:

A little old, a little new, with a splash of spooge. What more could one ask for?
seneschal said @ 8:39am GMT on 3rd Mar
That's the one. I still like it the best.
steele said @ 11:55am GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:2 Underrated]
I'm really not a fan of this one. I don't mind a nod to the old site like Bleb's, but I really don't think the logo should force this site to live in a constant shadow of the old one.
seneschal said @ 4:00pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Fair enough. I still think it's clever.
ComposerNate said @ 10:17am GMT on 9th Mar
Erection has a starter logo its first year, maybe half year.
AssBastard said @ 7:17pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Why not have a rotating logo?
AssBastard said @ 7:18pm GMT on 3rd Mar
¿por qué no todos?
mechavolt said @ 7:39pm GMT on 3rd Mar
With lazer sounds! Pew pew!
mechanical contrivance said @ 8:53pm GMT on 3rd Mar
No spinning animated gifs, please. Too 90s.
azazel said @ 8:55pm GMT on 3rd Mar
arrowhen said @ 9:22pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Rotating flaming skulls over Matrix digital rain.
bltrocker said @ 9:03pm GMT on 3rd Mar


Endo - Inside. Could mean a lot of things. What's inside that matters or at least is what is represented on SE. Close community. Whatever.

Wment - I like these letters highlighted because you could read inclusiveness into them: Typical woman and man, and everyone else can be lumped into a trans* (fuck you azazel for putting this term into my vernacular) category? Whatever--kind of a stretch.

The important part is that the coloring is similar to a stereotypical caucasian penis. Font is rosewood because it didn't look like shit to me. SE is from the days of internet wild west, anyway.
mechanical contrivance said @ 9:17pm GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:1 Hot Pr0n]
Damn you. Now all I can see is a cock that looks like letters.
arrowhen said @ 10:20pm GMT on 3rd Mar
arrowhen said @ 9:26pm GMT on 3rd Mar
Sensible Endo?

bltrocker said @ 9:56pm GMT on 3rd Mar [Score:2 Good]
seneschal said @ 9:41pm GMT on 3rd Mar
You might want to have a doctor look at your penis.
cakkafracle said @ 1:53am GMT on 4th Mar
i like the font/style, just don't get the endo thing, even after explaining
bltrocker said @ 4:25am GMT on 4th Mar
It seriously doesn't matter. I honestly just wanted something vaguely resembling a penis.
shiftace said @ 10:43pm GMT on 6th Mar
It can' be that bad.
endopol said @ 12:23pm GMT on 6th Mar
I think it has a ring to it.
ithaqua10 said @ 9:39pm GMT on 3rd Mar
cakkafracle said @ 1:07am GMT on 4th Mar
Feast upon the glory

cakkafracle said @ 1:08am GMT on 4th Mar
wait I hate that font, hold on
cakkafracle said @ 1:10am GMT on 4th Mar [Score:4 Good]
cakkafracle said @ 1:23am GMT on 4th Mar
one more

kylemcbitch said @ 3:08am GMT on 4th Mar [Score:2 Underrated]
I like this one the best, though the I can do without the guy in the suit and girls. Feels too much like something a pickup artist would want.
cakkafracle said @ 3:26am GMT on 4th Mar
cakkafracle said @ 3:35am GMT on 4th Mar
there I cut them off
mechanical contrivance said @ 3:48am GMT on 4th Mar
I like the second one the best, but it's going to need a white background, not grey.
cakkafracle said @ 4:54am GMT on 4th Mar
its a transparent PNG, it will look good on any background
cakkafracle said @ 4:55am GMT on 4th Mar
cakkafracle said @ 4:57am GMT on 4th Mar

mechanical contrivance said @ 4:59am GMT on 4th Mar
Is it Easter already?
cakkafracle said @ 5:03am GMT on 4th Mar
just random hex colors applied to the div background
cakkafracle said @ 5:01am GMT on 4th Mar

cakkafracle said @ 5:02am GMT on 4th Mar

cakkafracle said @ 5:05am GMT on 4th Mar

cakkafracle said @ 5:07am GMT on 4th Mar
fuck it, thats what I get for trying to be cheeky

milkman666 said @ 2:05pm GMT on 4th Mar
If you wanted to be cheeky you could have made it an animated gif where the sensible part starts being parallel with endowment but then progressively increases its angle.
cakkafracle said @ 1:45am GMT on 5th Mar

Bleb said @ 9:19pm GMT on 4th Mar
I like this direction. I might drop the exclamation mark on sensible, and like Kyle said the Charlie's Angels threesome should go. Maybe the lettering could be adorned with SE in-jokes? a horse, a bottle of ranch dressing, Jesus raping an Iraqi child (thank you tamp), orang humping the E, etc.
mechanical contrivance said @ 12:01am GMT on 5th Mar
I think the trio says "We are sexy bitches!"
Bleb said @ 12:37am GMT on 5th Mar
Empirical evidence to the contrary.

PS: <3
PPS: But srsly, we're a hairy bunch
seneschal said @ 1:24am GMT on 4th Mar
This website is certified family friendly in the sense that one or more naked people are usually involved in creating a family.
robotroadkill said @ 3:20am GMT on 4th Mar
The header graphic should have zazz.
arrowhen said @ 3:26am GMT on 4th Mar
How many pieces of flair should it have?
robotroadkill said @ 3:37am GMT on 4th Mar
Let's just say that any white space is wasted pixels and potential.
seneschal said @ 4:57am GMT on 4th Mar
Some people would argue that flashing pixels are wasted space half the time. Those people are wrong.
arrowhen said @ 6:33am GMT on 4th Mar
arrowhen said @ 3:32am GMT on 4th Mar
Sensible Endowment
arrowhen said @ 3:34am GMT on 4th Mar
Well, that didn't work.
arrowhen said @ 3:39am GMT on 4th Mar

There, that's my submission.
Mr. Big-time Producer said @ 4:07am GMT on 4th Mar
I love where you're going with this, and since we're on the same page here, try this on for size: we use the same sequence of letters and spacing you've proposed, but each character is an image randomly taken from a Google image search for that letter! Throw some sparkle .gifs overlaying the whole shebang, an epilepsy disclaimer in fine print, and whiz bam, we got ourselves a real nice how do you do for the newcomers!
seneschal said @ 4:59am GMT on 4th Mar
Can you make it blink?
mechanical contrivance said @ 5:00am GMT on 4th Mar
Can you make it wink?
HoZay said @ 2:36am GMT on 6th Mar
blink tag doesn't work in current versions of IE or FF or Opera.
arrowhen said @ 4:09am GMT on 6th Mar [Score:1 Good]
Thankfully, freedom-loving addon developers are fighting back against this injustice!
slaytanik said @ 5:18am GMT on 4th Mar
Needs more zazz
arrowhen said @ 5:37am GMT on 4th Mar
Hmm, does redyelly still work?
arrowhen said @ 5:37am GMT on 4th Mar
mechanical contrivance said @ 3:56am GMT on 4th Mar
These are the same size as the current logo. I can make them bigger if anyone likes them. They include one top hat and one letter of the same font as the old SE logo.

b said @ 10:47pm GMT on 5th Mar
A million times no. No tophats, no pseudo comic sans, no goofy fonts period.
mechanical contrivance said @ 4:01am GMT on 6th Mar
You haven't posted your design yet.
azazel said @ 4:48am GMT on 4th Mar
If it can't be done with Helvetica (or Helvetica Bold), it's no use even trying.
brat#3 said @ 5:00am GMT on 4th Mar [Score:1 Funny]
donnie said @ 9:36am GMT on 4th Mar
What's wrong with the old logo? A week before the old SE site went down, everyone there would have sang the praises of the old site having weathered the passing of time. It was a mark of pride that it was the same old site it was since the long before time. Now it's like a free-for all... suddenly now that the power is there to screw around with the site it's like a fire sale. Either this is still SE or it isn't. If it isn't... well, why bother?
milkman666 said @ 2:14pm GMT on 4th Mar [Score:2 Underrated]
Its like that Tracey Ulman sketch where noveu riche russian plutocrats sequester themselves in a small closet and reminisce about the good ol days where they boiled shoes for warmth and sustenance. In that case they are not nostalgic about the State and how it functioned but the people who they were because of the states dysfunction.

Any kudos and gladhanding about the old sites longevity wouldn't be so much about the site it self but the people who helped keep it going, through content and discussion. You're a part of that as well, and in all honesty bring more value than the old logo.
milkman666 said @ 2:20pm GMT on 4th Mar
steele said @ 3:54pm GMT on 4th Mar [Score:1 Insightful]
While I can understand where you're coming from, I have to point out that those people singing praises would be the same reason they had no where to go when the site finally did die. Because it wasn't "everyone." There had been many people over the years, myself included, who were constantly trying to point out the folly of sticking with an abandoned, unreliable site.

You were on a sinking ship that weathered the passing of time only in the sense that it hadn't gone completely under yet. Here's a new ship based on the same blueprints. Sure, it still has a couple of holes to fix, but for the most part has people that want to take care of it, give it a fresh coat of paint, and replace some of the more obvious design flaws. I mean really, who the hell puts a toilet where no one can watch you pee?

Is SE the ship or the crew to you? If it's the ship, well, that's probably dead for good. But, if it's the people, here's your chance to have a more reliable ship for what I hope will bring you many more great adventures.
mechanical contrivance said @ 7:12pm GMT on 4th Mar
As long as the ship has a poop deck and a dingy, it's home.
arrowhen said @ 10:35pm GMT on 4th Mar
You still have to jack off a seahorse.
donnie said @ 10:37pm GMT on 4th Mar
The logo isn't the ship. If the Rolling Stones hit the ditch in a broken tour van that finally broke the last axle it was spinning on, would they not still be the Rolling Stones? Or would you take a minor technical breakdown as an excuse to wipe the slate clean and start over? Give them all tophats and penguin suits and change the name to "The Tumbling Stones"?
steele said @ 10:45pm GMT on 4th Mar
The band didn't break down, the bus did. So now we're decorating the new bus with a kickass new mural. Or, a new flag for a new ship. Whichever metaphor you prefer.
milkman666 said @ 11:34pm GMT on 4th Mar
Bleb said @ 1:55am GMT on 5th Mar [Score:4 Underrated]
Tweaked it a bit.

ithaqua10 said @ 2:15pm GMT on 5th Mar
This is perfect, I love this as out new logo!
seneschal said @ 12:06am GMT on 5th Mar
Sure, okay, so let's complete the analogy. Let's say that Mick owns the rights to use the name "The Rolling Stones" and you've got "The Rolling Stones" painted on the old tour van. The van hits the ditch and Mick dies. Nobody can contact his estate right away, and the band decides to paint the new van with the name "The Rolling Stones", and continues touring under that name. The estate finds out, sees easy money and sues.
HoZay said @ 3:11am GMT on 5th Mar
I'll bet Keef didn't even get hurt.
donnie said @ 10:25am GMT on 5th Mar
Is Marck dead? Is that what happened?
donnie said @ 10:38am GMT on 5th Mar
And in either case, we're talking about a logo that drags Coca Cola's image through the gutter. I don't think there can BE a legal fight over it, at least not one anyone who wants it could even remotely afford.
seneschal said @ 4:52pm GMT on 5th Mar
Sure, that's a factor. Why ask Steele to personally take that risk?
Bleb said @ 11:14pm GMT on 4th Mar
Nice analogy. Emphasis on the anal.
spazm said @ 10:30am GMT on 4th Mar
[insert famous The Big Lebowski quote]
seneschal said @ 5:46pm GMT on 4th Mar
Well, for one thing, the old logo doesn't belong to us. It belongs to whomever owns or buys the rights to the old site - even if that site is down. The code itself may be public domain, and the users can go where they want, but the old logo isn't actually ours to use.

There are other reasons as well which have been stated by others.
arrowhen said @ 6:18pm GMT on 4th Mar
I don't give a fuck about the logo. It's just a useless piece of decoration up in the corner that I'll stop noticing in a week or two once the new wears off.

A week before the old site went down, I was surprised and relieved in equal measure every day that the creaking heap of half broken abandonware still worked. My pride in the old SE had nothing to do with the code and everything with the community for continuing to soldier on, diminished in number but still strong in its core, through years of rot and neglect.

To me SE is the people; the website is just the place where we hang out. If the new landlord wants to slap on a new coat of paint and put a nice potted plant on the windowsill next to the Fleshlight, why would I complain?
steele said @ 5:44pm GMT on 4th Mar
I'm liking all the activity here :)
cakkafracle said @ 1:47am GMT on 5th Mar
I am failing left and right on the inline css, omfg.

one last and final try

cakkafracle said @ 1:48am GMT on 5th Mar
something in the POST action of the submit form is stripping out my CSS attribute 'background'... WTH

steele said @ 2:00am GMT on 5th Mar
cakkafracle said @ 1:56am GMT on 5th Mar
cakkafracle said @ 2:07am GMT on 5th Mar [Score:5]
blacksun said @ 2:47am GMT on 5th Mar [Score:1 Funny]
That's it. That's the album cover.
steele said @ 3:11am GMT on 5th Mar
Now I know why we're here.
seneschal said @ 5:10am GMT on 5th Mar [Score:1 Underrated]
That is the best thing ever.
azazel said @ 8:58pm GMT on 5th Mar
Sensible Endowment -- You guys remember this?
snagUber said @ 5:13am GMT on 6th Mar
how the hell did you do that ?
ethanos said @ 12:50am GMT on 15th Mar
mechanical contrivance said @ 4:53am GMT on 15th Mar
Does it matter that endowment is spelled wrong?
ethanos said @ 5:13pm GMT on 16th Mar
Spelling. Pffff.
I am Endowman!
seneschal said @ 10:43pm GMT on 17th Mar
Is it sensible facial which is placing the Sensible Erection logo at the top of the page?
robotroadkill said @ 11:06pm GMT on 17th Mar
Must be, because I don't have sensible facial or the logo.
blawiz said @ 12:49pm GMT on 25th Apr

Found this throught google search, its located on this site, just didnt see it here (yet)
blawiz said @ 12:50pm GMT on 25th Apr
i like it

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