Friday, 11 March 2016

7 people went undercover as inmates for 2 months, and they revealed harrowing details about an Indiana jail

quote [ "When you go into jail and you're an inmate, and it's your first time, the other inmates automatically take advantage of you. They can sense it," ]

Not the most ideal holiday destination.
[SFW] [travel] [+3 Informative]
[by OutdoorRudy@9:46pmGMT]


b said @ 10:01pm GMT on 11th Mar [Score:2 Insightful]
I dunno man. Seems interesting, but way too sensationalized. How were the cameras and the new inmates showing up right around the same time explained? Obviously they weren't hidden cameras, and people on camera usually act differently than they would otherwise.

This really just seems like more "reality" TV that ain't real.
5th Earth said @ 11:14pm GMT on 11th Mar
On the other hand, it's not like any of this is news. It's common knowledge that jails and inmate culture are terrible. I didn't read anything that seemed implausible. Sure, it's not a scientific study and it's had media all over it, but I don't think that means it's fundamentally untrue.
b said @ 11:44pm GMT on 11th Mar
I don't disagree, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out things were scripted, manufactured or otherwise influenced in the name of "gripping" TV.
HP Lovekraftwerk said @ 12:25am GMT on 12th Mar
I see what you did there.
mechavolt said @ 12:47am GMT on 12th Mar
Because new inmates show up all the time? And security cameras generally are either not actually on, or no one watches the footage anyway?
rylex said @ 1:00am GMT on 12th Mar [Score:1 Interesting]
I call bs. Been in a few jails on the west coast. Friends of mine have been through east coast ones, maybe Rikers is as bad as the article makes out.
satanspenis666 said @ 12:36am GMT on 12th Mar
Step 1. Put people in jail for drugs.
Step 2. Have corrupt guards sell drugs to inmates.
Step 3. Profit - Guards, Police, Attorneys, Prisons, Guards
Step 4. Create reality show
Step 5. More Profit
knumbknutz said @ 12:50am GMT on 12th Mar
Looks as legit as "The Devils Ride" was. Yeah - yeah, they're real inmates...just disregard the camera crew and the entourage in the suits following them.

Although this one did crack me up - "The fight had an obvious cause and effect," a participant and former Marine, Zac, said on camera. "Ricky was supposed to give his hash browns to Cody. He didn't give his hash browns to Cody. He got beat up for it."

I call totally stolen idea on that -

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