Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Abe Vigoda Finally Dead For Real

quote [ Legendary actor Abe Vigoda -- who starred in "The Godfather" -- died under hospice care at the age of 94 ... TMZ has learned.
Abe's death had been falsely reported countless times, dating all the way back to 1982. ]

This was the first place I came upon hearing the news, sadly I had to post it myself.
[SFW] [people] [+10 Informative]
[by michaelofoz@7:57pmGMT]


arrowhen said @ 12:23am GMT on 27th Jan [Score:4 Underrated]
So long, and thanks for being Fish.
Bleb said @ 8:27pm GMT on 26th Jan [Score:3 Informative]
Ok, your story checks out.
Abdul Alhazred said @ 9:36pm GMT on 26th Jan [Score:2]
GAH! Poor taste on their part. Give the guy some respect, at least.
arteitle said[1] @ 12:53am GMT on 27th Jan
Spinn wasn't not going to update it... Though the Xes on the eyes are a bit tasteless, I agree.
King Of The Hill said @ 8:50pm GMT on 26th Jan
That link should have been the headliner.... That site has gotten so much traffic from SE of old and new.
Ankylosaur said @ 8:19pm GMT on 26th Jan [Score:1 Insightful]
Clearly he faked his death so he could continue his work collecting souls without the scrutiny of the increasingly suspicious public.

He's probably lurking here now, slowly scratching our names into his book bound in the skins of the damned.
sanepride said @ 8:00pm GMT on 26th Jan
Tom Hagen couldn't get him off the hook, even for old time's sake.
Abdul Alhazred said @ 8:06pm GMT on 26th Jan
Damn! Now we have to look to Keith Richards.

RIP, Abe. Even though you became an internet meme, you were a damn fine actor.
raphael_the_turtle said @ 8:10pm GMT on 26th Jan
Now what?
sanepride said @ 8:14pm GMT on 26th Jan [Score:1 laz0r]
lilmookieesquire said @ 8:13pm GMT on 26th Jan
midden said @ 8:15pm GMT on 26th Jan
I don't believe it.
excited corpse said @ 8:17pm GMT on 26th Jan
Its a tragedy,

that I didn't get to post this first.
this calls for multiple reposts.
spazm said @ 9:05pm GMT on 26th Jan
mechanical contrivance said @ 9:06pm GMT on 26th Jan
excited corpse said @ 8:17pm GMT on 26th Jan
Its a tragedy,

that I didn't get to post this first.
this calls for multiple reposts.
spazm said @ 9:05pm GMT on 26th Jan
mechanical contrivance said @ 9:06pm GMT on 26th Jan
dolemite said @ 8:27pm GMT on 26th Jan
Sad to hear this, for real. He seemed like a decent Joe.
HP Lovekraftwerk said @ 10:24pm GMT on 26th Jan
Dammit. Now I have to find another Horcrux.
XregnaR said @ 10:40pm GMT on 26th Jan
OK, time to turn off the internet. It's done.
HoZay said @ 11:46pm GMT on 26th Jan
The internet should at least go dark for a day.
Baron said @ 3:44am GMT on 27th Jan
You best stay out of them dark parts of the net. You wont come back the same again!
buzhidao said @ 10:48pm GMT on 26th Jan
now what do we do?
HP Lovekraftwerk said @ 10:58pm GMT on 26th Jan
Wait three days and get the rental deposit back on the suit they buried him in?
Bob Denver said @ 11:21pm GMT on 26th Jan
2016, you are one bloodthirsty bitch.
dave said @ 11:26pm GMT on 26th Jan
god i hate tmz. here's a better sendoff :-)

seneschal said @ 11:26pm GMT on 26th Jan
Came to visit when I heard the news; just to make sure someone had posted this...
vintuk said @ 11:28pm GMT on 26th Jan
damnit said @ 12:25am GMT on 27th Jan
Just saw it on the Nightly News and came here to see if it's been posted.

rndmnmbr said @ 1:40am GMT on 27th Jan
Well, at least Abe Vigoda is still al...

Naruki said @ 3:50am GMT on 27th Jan
Better put a stake in his heart and remove the head, just to be sure.

RIP, Sal Tessio.
Mr. Langosta said @ 5:35am GMT on 27th Jan
I'm so glad I first saw this here. Memories.
maryyugo said @ 7:07am GMT on 27th Jan
How dare he?

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