Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Old pinball machines are amazingly complex

quote [ [ding ding ding ding ding] ]

Also worthwhile is his latest video on the popcorn button of your microwave
[SFW] [science & technology] [+4 Underrated]
[by slaytanik@10:53amGMT]


mechanical contrivance said @ 4:50pm GMT on 22nd Nov [Score:3 Underrated]
If you liked this video, watch his earlier video on how electromechanical jukeboxes work.
stv179 said @ 6:56pm GMT on 22nd Nov
They are marvelous - multiplayer games with mechanical counters all based on relays, switches and coils.
crwk8 said @ 10:12pm GMT on 22nd Nov
Oh, just yesterday I heard him made a Tedium reference. I think it's on the clapper video.
ooo[......7 said @ 10:35pm GMT on 22nd Nov
If you like pinball, you owe it to yourself to play the two pinball games on the PSP. Both feature incredible physics, mechanics, and presentation. Gottlieb is much easier than Williams, however with cheat codes and save states, Williams tables can all be unlocked and played easily.

I play pinball all the damn time now on my phone, I just had to expand the controls to make the L and R buttons huge so as to never miss pressing them.

Best phone games.
snowfox said @ 11:10pm GMT on 22nd Nov
It's sad so many historic machines will eventually go out of service because the boards for them no longer exist. Have to hope 3D printing makes it reasonable to print a batch of 1.

Also, if you are ever in Los Angeles, check out 82. It's a bar that works with an arcade museum so they always have interesting machines and well-restored. Their cocktails are expensive but really good. If you're in Seattle, Silverball. The beer is cheap and it's a totally different vibe but still great.
mechanical contrivance said @ 3:17am GMT on 23rd Nov [Score:1 Informative]
There are modern replacements for many pinball machine boards. Pretty much every pinball machine part has modern replacements available. If you ever get a change to buy a pinball machine for a reasonable price, get it. If it's broken, all the better. You can get it cheap and fix it.
ooo[......7 said @ 12:58am GMT on 23rd Nov
Oh hell yeah, I live in Orange county and now have another reason to go into LA.

I get so few.

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