Monday, 23 August 2021

The Murderous Police Gangs of Los Angeles

quote [ Los Angeles, America’s second largest city, has a horrible secret. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department – the fourth largest police department in the country – harbors dozens of criminal gangs within its ranks. These LASD gangs have been involved in assaults, the creation of false evidence, and even murder. Now, with the help of the brave journalist Cerise Castle, the story can be told. A Gravel Institute documentary. ]

Fuck the police.

West Coast Story w/ Cerise Castle 🅴 • Pod Damn America
[SFW] [Big Brother] [+2 Informative]
[by steele@5:25pmGMT]


bbrack said @ 1:22am GMT on 24th Aug [Score:1 Interesting]
It's been especially frustrating since the Sheriff did an abrupt about face after getting elected on what he promised to do with the department, and the ongoing court drama of him re-instating officers fired for violent reasons. He's a huge road block to reform in the department and I don't think anything is going to get done till they can get him out. That might not be easy as we've seen the crime stats pickup in LA over the past couple of years and people are misplacing the blame of the Police and Sheriff to not respond to homeless issues (non-enforcement IS an enforcement policy) which they've been able to obscure the issue enough to claim their hands are tied vs. what they were doing previously was creating more problems than it was solving.
TimmoW said @ 6:11pm GMT on 23rd Aug
Is there a transcript I can read?
steele said @ 6:57pm GMT on 23rd Aug
Not that I can find, but we've touched on it here before.

Whistleblower: Deputy Killed Teen to Join Department’s “Gang”

The deputy who shot and killed 18-year-old Andres Guardado outside a car shop in Gardena was a prospective member of a violent clique inside the Compton Sheriff’s station, according to the sworn testimony of a whistleblower.

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