Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Valve is not your friend, and Steam is not healthy for gaming

quote [ This, then, is Good Guy Valve — a corporation which employs precision-engineered psychological tools to trick people into giving them money in exchange for goods they don't legally own and may never actually use while profiting from a whole lot of unpaid labor and speculative work ... but isn't “evil.” ]
[SFW] [games] [+5 Interesting]
[by arrowhen]
<-- Entry / Comment History

midden said @ 11:06pm GMT on 17th May
I'm thinking of threads like this one.

midden said @ 11:13pm GMT on 17th May
I'm thinking of threads like this one.

I'm not a huge gamer, since I usually buy games 5+ years after the come out, but I'm pretty sure I'm pushing triple digits per dollar on some titles like Halo, FTL, Fallout 3, etc. The big Steam sales seem to be priced similarly. Heck, I still go on Myth and Marathon binges every few years. Don't get me started on Angband.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
midden said @ 11:06pm GMT on 17th May
I'm thinking of threads like this one.

I'm not a huge gamer, since I usually buy games 5+ years after the come out, but I'm pretty sure I'm pushing triple digits per dollar on some titles like Halo, FTL, Fallout 3, etc. The big Steam sales seem to be priced similarly. Heck, I still go on Myth and Marathon binges every few years. Don't get me started on Angband.

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