Wednesday, 18 January 2017

"The nihilistic purity of the far left will kill us all."

quote [ I’ve been angry and disgusted about a lot of things since Election Day. But over the past few days I’ve been angrier than Jack Nicholson’s character from The Shining to see all these so-called “progressives” come out of the fucking woodwork to crucify Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) for voting against one amendment to a budget reconciliation bill that could have allowed Americans to buy cheaper imported prescription drugs from Canada — even though the amendment wasn’t going to become law ]

I'm not sure I endorse these sentiments, but let's have a spirited discussion about them!
[SFW] [politics] [0 Overrated]
[by lrdcthulu]
<-- Entry / Comment History

sanepride said @ 1:51am GMT on 19th January
In this context I'm gonna guess that 'social deconstruction' = racial parity (and/or LGBTQ rights) and 'scientific intolerance' = anthropogenic climate change is established fact

sanepride said @ 1:52am GMT on 19th January
In this context I'm gonna guess that 'social deconstruction' = racial justice (and/or LGBTQ rights) and 'scientific intolerance' = anthropogenic climate change is established fact

<-- Entry / Current Comment
sanepride said @ 1:51am GMT on 19th January [Score:1 Underrated]
In this context I'm gonna guess that 'social deconstruction' = racial justice (and/or LGBTQ rights) and 'scientific intolerance' = anthropogenic climate change is established fact

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