Wednesday, 18 January 2017

"The nihilistic purity of the far left will kill us all."

quote [ I’ve been angry and disgusted about a lot of things since Election Day. But over the past few days I’ve been angrier than Jack Nicholson’s character from The Shining to see all these so-called “progressives” come out of the fucking woodwork to crucify Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) for voting against one amendment to a budget reconciliation bill that could have allowed Americans to buy cheaper imported prescription drugs from Canada — even though the amendment wasn’t going to become law ]

I'm not sure I endorse these sentiments, but let's have a spirited discussion about them!
[SFW] [politics] [0 Overrated]
[by lrdcthulu]
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bbqkink said @ 10:56pm GMT on 18th January
Well I warned you folks...The Black vote is neither progressive or Liberal. It is highly religious and tribal. And progressives dared to attack the second most notable black politician.

The only way to deal with this is as a populist...if you use the established left vs. right mantra you will lose...expect more of this.

bbqkink said @ 11:55pm GMT on 18th January
Well I warned you folks...The Black vote is neither progressive or Liberal. It is highly religious and tribal. And progressives dared to attack the second most notable black politician.

The only way to deal with this is as a populist...if you use the established left vs. right mantra you will lose...expect more of this.


80% of the American people make less than $100,000 a year.
It doesn't matter your race color or creed. And if you think that your vote should be made for any other are being played!

If progressive can't make this argument they will lose.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
bbqkink said @ 10:56pm GMT on 18th January
Well I warned you folks...The Black vote is neither progressive or Liberal. It is highly religious and tribal. And progressives dared to attack the second most notable black politician.

The only way to deal with this is as a populist...if you use the established left vs. right mantra you will lose...expect more of this.


80% of the American people make less than $100,000 a year.
It doesn't matter your race color or creed. And if you think that your vote should be made for any other are being played!

If progressive can't make this argument they will lose.

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