Thursday, 5 January 2017


quote [ Rachel Maddow explains the online organizing guide, written by former congressional staffers, with advice for the anti-Trump grassroots on how best to influence members of Congress to prevent Trump from enacting his agenda. ]

It has started with the attempt to dismantle the ACA...soon it will be like trying to drink from a fire hose.

[SFW] [politics] [+3 Interesting]
[by bbqkink]
<-- Entry / Comment History

7 said @ 4:13pm GMT on 5th January

1- That MSNBC video won’t play on my browser. Here is the youtube version for anyone interested:

2- The video doesn’t really explain the guide, she interviews one of primary people behind it.

3- The MJ article is basically the same interview.

4- The PDF is the real meat of this post, but at 23 pages, I don’t think many people are going to read it.

5- The PDF linked is not the most recent version. I think this is: IndivisibleGuide_2016-12-31_v1.pdf

7 said @ 4:28pm GMT on 5th January
1- That MSNBC video won’t play on my browser. Here is the youtube version for anyone interested:

2- The video doesn’t really explain the guide, she interviews one of primary people behind it.

3- The MJ article is basically the same interview.

4- The PDF is the real meat of this post, but at 23 pages, I don’t think many people are going to read it.

5- The PDF linked is not the most recent version. I think this is: IndivisibleGuide_2016-12-31_v1.pdf

6- They have a site now: Indivisible Guide

<-- Entry / Current Comment
7 said @ 4:13pm GMT on 5th January
1- That MSNBC video won’t play on my browser. Here is the youtube version for anyone interested:

2- The video doesn’t really explain the guide, she interviews one of primary people behind it.

3- The MJ article is basically the same interview.

4- The PDF is the real meat of this post, but at 23 pages, I don’t think many people are going to read it.

5- The PDF linked is not the most recent version. I think this is: IndivisibleGuide_2016-12-31_v1.pdf

6- They have a site now: Indivisible Guide

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