Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Surface Studio

quote [ Microsoft Surface Studio is a new category of device, designed to put you at the center of the creative process. Turn your desk into a Studio. ]

The video alone is a work of art!

And that hardware!

Move over Apple, and Waccom.

as per a seggestion/request from sanepride, now with some 3rd party reviews.
[SFW] [+3 Interesting]
[by pigtailgirl]
<-- Entry / Comment History

pigtailgirl said @ 1:09am GMT on 27th October
Alas, not even in stock dividends.

Truth be told, I have been a fan of Apple's hardware and OS X/macOS for what now, 15 years?!

I do own a few pcs, but only because they were being junked by other people. (All they needed was a little TLC: more RAM, better graphics card, bigger HD, and a good install of FreeBSD.)

This however is , in my humble opinion, a graphics and industrial designer's wet dream come true.

pigtailgirl said @ 1:13am GMT on 27th October
Alas, not even in stock dividends.

Truth be told, I have been a fan of Apple's hardware and OS X/macOS for what now, 15 years?!

I do own a few pcs, but only because they were being junked by other people. (All they needed was a little TLC: more RAM, better graphics card, bigger HD, and a good install of FreeBSD.)

This however is , in my humble opinion, a graphics and industrial designer's wet dream come true.
And Yes... there is the Cintiq, it's been out for quite some time, but look at the price point.

Also, nothing wrong with a little healthy competition. Cintiq was, after all, the only true player on that block.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
pigtailgirl said @ 1:09am GMT on 27th October
Alas, not even in stock dividends.

Truth be told, I have been a fan of Apple's hardware and OS X/macOS for what now, 15 years?!

I do own a few pcs, but only because they were being junked by other people. (All they needed was a little TLC: more RAM, better graphics card, bigger HD, and a good install of FreeBSD.)

This however is , in my humble opinion, a graphics and industrial designer's wet dream come true.
And Yes... there is the Cintiq, it's been out for quite some time, but look at the price point.

Also, nothing wrong with a little healthy competition. Cintiq was, after all, the only true player on that block.

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