Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Vote Rigging Scandals, Biased Media, Leaked Video, Shags and Tits - This Election's Got it All

quote [ Bird of the Year! ]

I know I post this every year, and I know nobody here but me gives a shit, and I wasn't going to post it this year. But, for the first time ever Papango (my namesake! and the thumb image) is on the ballot. So far it only has 22 votes, and that fucking panderer Kōkako has 30 times more, but, you know, it's an honour just to be nominated.

Links to the vote rigging scandal and leaked video scandals in the extended.

Kiwi is always a strong favourite, but this disturbing secret video was leaked in the months leading up the election.

More worryingly, last year's vote was rocked by scandal when two fifteen year old girls who should have been studying for their exams, were instead found to be registering email addresses and flooding the system with fraudulent votes for (who else!) Kōkako.

We're onto you, Kōkako. Watch yourself!
[SFW] [politics] [+7 Original]
[by papango]
<-- Entry / Comment History

Franger Sanger said @ 8:50am GMT on 19th October
So, one of the benefits of being a homosexual male in today's world in that when students of mine learning how to collect data ask me what my favourite bird is, I can say, "I've always loved Great Tits!" without getting in trouble, because everyone knows it's not true. I wonder what would get me in trouble?

The current conservation status of Great Tits is Of Least Concern, which means they are abundant and widespread Phwoaar! Great Tits are distinguished by being larger than regular Tits, and by having prominent white cheeks. I'll stop now.

Good luck to the papango, it's very cute. The kokako however has a serious case of resting bitch face and looks like it'd cut you for a snarler.

Franger Sanger said @ 8:50am GMT on 19th October
So, one of the benefits of being a homosexual male in today's world in that when students of mine learning how to collect data ask me what my favourite bird is, I can say, "I've always loved Great Tits!" without getting in trouble, because everyone knows it's not true. I wonder what would get me in trouble?

The current conservation status of Great Tits is Of Least Concern, which means they are abundant and widespread - Phwoaar! Great Tits are distinguished by being larger than regular Tits, and by having prominent white cheeks. I'll stop now.

Good luck to the papango, it's very cute. The kokako however has a serious case of resting bitch face and looks like it'd cut you for a snarler.

Franger Sanger said @ 8:55am GMT on 19th October
So, one of the benefits of being a homosexual male in today's world is that when students of mine learning how to collect data ask me what my favourite bird is, I can say, "I've always loved Great Tits!" without getting in trouble, because everyone knows it's not true. I wonder what would get me in trouble?

The current conservation status of Great Tits is Of Least Concern, which means they are abundant and widespread - Phwoaar! Great Tits are distinguished by being larger than regular Tits, and by having prominent white cheeks. I'll stop now.

Good luck to the papango, it's very cute. The kokako however has a serious case of resting bitch face and looks like it'd cut you for a snarler.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
Franger Sanger said @ 8:50am GMT on 19th October
So, one of the benefits of being a homosexual male in today's world is that when students of mine learning how to collect data ask me what my favourite bird is, I can say, "I've always loved Great Tits!" without getting in trouble, because everyone knows it's not true. I wonder what would get me in trouble?

The current conservation status of Great Tits is Of Least Concern, which means they are abundant and widespread - Phwoaar! Great Tits are distinguished by being larger than regular Tits, and by having prominent white cheeks. I'll stop now.

Good luck to the papango, it's very cute. The kokako however has a serious case of resting bitch face and looks like it'd cut you for a snarler.

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