Thursday, 3 December 2015

C.S. Lewis's Greatest Fiction: Convincing American Kids That They Would Like Turkish Delight

quote [ Turkish Delight, or lokum, is a popular dessert sweet throughout Europe, especially in Greece, the Balkans, and of course Turkey. ]

Obviously this isn't hard hitting journalism, but I thought overall the article was pretty cute. When I was young, I thought Turkish delight was a truffle flavored with chocolate, peanut butter, and strawberry, sort of like a better PB&J. I later tasted a rosewater flavored one and wondered who the fuck likes something that tastes like a 90 year old's handbag.

Did anyone else imagine the flavor of this horrible delicacy?
[SFW] [literature] [+4 Interesting]
[by MFDork]
<-- Entry / Comment History

cb361 said @ 5:53pm GMT on 4th December
She wanted to know why I was looking at an online thesaurus.

cb361 said @ 5:55pm GMT on 4th December
She wanted to know why I was looking at an online thesaurus.

Also, she just pointed out that she didn't say that the ten minutes were a stupid waste of time. They were a childish waste of time.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
cb361 said @ 5:53pm GMT on 4th December
She wanted to know why I was looking at an online thesaurus.

Also, she just pointed out that she didn't say that the ten minutes were a stupid waste of time. They were a childish waste of time.

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