Monday, 11 May 2015

The End of the Open Road: The Inside Story of How Hitchhiking Died

quote [ The hitchhiker has been transformed in the public imagination from an unencumbered youth finding adventure across our vast nation to a crazed and dangerous maniac with a homicidal sneer. To pick one up is to meet a death of grotesque proportions?to hitch as a woman, an invitation to be brutally violated. ]

What kind of adventures have you had while thumbing a ride?
[SFW] [travel] [+3 Interesting]
[by RokDragon ]
<-- Entry / Comment History

LurkerAtTheGate said @ 4:30am GMT on 12th May
Never hitched, guess I missed that era. Closest experience I have is picking up the friend of a friend of a friend from the ATL airport on thanksgiving and driving her 3 hours to the town I was living in, only to find her friends had abandoned her for the holiday leaving her no place to stay. I offered her my bedroom and I'd crash on the couch. I ran some errands and, she made herself at home and took a shower.

She apparently walked out of my bathroom with just a towel around her waist and came face-to-face with my roommate - a nice but sheltered guy who panicked and hid in his room and wouldn't come out.

LurkerAtTheGate said @ 12:31am GMT on 12th May
Never hitched, guess I missed that era. Closest experience I have is picking up the friend of a friend of a friend from the ATL airport on thanksgiving and driving her 3 hours to the town I was living in, only to find her friends had abandoned her for the holiday leaving her no place to stay. I offered her my bedroom and I'd crash on the couch or at my girlfriend's. I ran some errands and she made herself at home and took a shower.

She apparently walked out of my bathroom with just a towel around her waist and came face-to-face with my roommate - a nice but sheltered guy who panicked and hid in his room and wouldn't come out.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
LurkerAtTheGate said @ 4:30am GMT on 12th May
Never hitched, guess I missed that era. Closest experience I have is picking up the friend of a friend of a friend from the ATL airport on thanksgiving and driving her 3 hours to the town I was living in, only to find her friends had abandoned her for the holiday leaving her no place to stay. I offered her my bedroom and I'd crash on the couch or at my girlfriend's. I ran some errands and she made herself at home and took a shower.

She apparently walked out of my bathroom with just a towel around her waist and came face-to-face with my roommate - a nice but sheltered guy who panicked and hid in his room and wouldn't come out.

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