Monday, 15 June 2020

Supreme Court Delivers Major Victory To LGBTQ Employees

quote [ The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday that the 1964 Civil Rights Act barring sex discrimination in the workplace protects LGBTQ employees from being fired because of their sexual orientation. The vote was 6-to-3, with conservatives Chief Justice John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch joining the court's four liberal justices in the majority. ]

6-3 with Gorsuch wtiting the opinion, queue mega heads already going batshit calling for Gorsuch's head.

That said, nice to get some great news for once.
[SFW] [politics] [+4 laz0r]
[by biblebeltdrunk]
<-- Entry / Comment History

conception said @ 5:35pm GMT on 15th June
From my lawyer friend - holy shit alito did a 54 page dissent, wait it's over 100 with exhibits. jesus. that's a big indicator of "get back to me in a couple of years on this when the court changes a little and i'll try to do the opposite"

but in any case this will probably encourage better settlements from employers and maybe make them actually give discrimination a harder thought because of potential litigation costs

Also a real deep lawyer joke -

conception said @ 5:47pm GMT on 15th June
From my lawyer friend - holy shit alito did a 54 page dissent, wait it's over 100 with exhibits. jesus. that's a big indicator of "get back to me in a couple of years on this when the court changes a little and i'll try to do the opposite"

but in any case this will probably encourage better settlements from employers and maybe make them actually give discrimination a harder thought because of potential litigation costs

Also a real deep lawyer joke -

<-- Entry / Current Comment
conception said @ 5:35pm GMT on 15th June
From my lawyer friend - holy shit alito did a 54 page dissent, wait it's over 100 with exhibits. jesus. that's a big indicator of "get back to me in a couple of years on this when the court changes a little and i'll try to do the opposite"

but in any case this will probably encourage better settlements from employers and maybe make them actually give discrimination a harder thought because of potential litigation costs

Also a real deep lawyer joke -

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