Sunday, 3 March 2019

Oregon man survives off taco sauce while trapped in vehicle with dog for 5 days

quote [ Taylor told investigators his SUV got stuck in the snow. He then fell asleep and woke up Monday to even more snow, unable to get out of the vehicle. He tried to walk out Monday, but the snow was too deep and made it hard to walk so he and his dog returned to vehicle, the sheriff's office said. ]

His dog is not named Taco Sauce
[SFW] [food & drink] [+3]
[by satanspenis666]
<-- Entry / Comment History

Pandafaust said @ 12:21pm GMT on 3rd March
I've never lived in a country with snow, so I don't know if this is a realistic thing, but if he was intermittently using his car heater couldn't he have like... melted the snow?

Pandafaust said @ 12:21pm GMT on 3rd March
I've never lived in a country with snow, so I don't know if this is a realistic thing, but if he was intermittently using his car heater couldn't he have like... melted the snow? (I'm genuinely asking)

<-- Entry / Current Comment
Pandafaust said @ 12:21pm GMT on 3rd March
I've never lived in a country with snow, so I don't know if this is a realistic thing, but if he was intermittently using his car heater couldn't he have like... melted the snow? (I'm genuinely asking)

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