Saturday, 17 November 2018

Anonymous CIA officials say the agency has “high confidence” that Mohammed bin Salman is behind the journalist’s murder.

quote [ The C.I.A. made the assessment based on the crown prince’s control of Saudi Arabia, which is such that the killing would not have taken place without his approval, and has buttressed its conclusion with two sets of crucial communications: intercepts of the crown prince’s calls in the days before the killing, and calls by the kill team to a senior aide to the crown prince. ]

Like there was ever a doubt...They brought a bone saw, it was no accident.

[SFW] [crime & punishment] [+1 WTF]
[by bbqkink]
<-- Entry / Comment History

0000 said @ 1:57am GMT on 20th November

Might just be me but I haven’t heard you denounce Elizabeth Warren’s blatant lies about being a minority, or Shepard Smith’s dissembling about the migrants being months away, or not wanting to come at all. And frankly, I don’t care about pictures of Inaugurations. That you do is frankly bizarre. You claim the US President is Hitler, then bitch about press photos? But hey, II don’t think that any of this means that we can’t find some common ground, but to do so, you may have to dial back the “fuck you” thing a little.

0000 said @ 2:12am GMT on 20th November

Might just be me, but I haven’t heard you denounce Elizabeth Warren’s blatant lies about being a minority, or Shepard Smith’s dissembling about the migrants being months away or not coming at all. And frankly, I don’t care about pictures of the inaugurations. That you do is bizarre. You claim the US President is Hitler, then bitch about press photos? But hey, I don’t think we have to agree on everything, we just need to find some common ground, but to do so, you may have to dial back the “fuck you” thing a little.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
0000 said @ 1:57am GMT on 20th November [Score:-5]

Might just be me, but I haven’t heard you denounce Elizabeth Warren’s blatant lies about being a minority, or Shepard Smith’s dissembling about the migrants being months away or not coming at all. And frankly, I don’t care about pictures of the inaugurations. That you do is bizarre. You claim the US President is Hitler, then bitch about press photos? But hey, I don’t think we have to agree on everything, we just need to find some common ground, but to do so, you may have to dial back the “fuck you” thing a little.

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