Monday, 9 April 2018

Top officials at indicted after classifieds site taken offline

quote [ Seven top officials of the website, long accused of facilitating child sex trafficking, have been arrested after a grand jury in Phoenix issued a 93-count indictment alleging conspiracy and money laundering, and the government on Friday seized all of Backpage’s websites around the world. ]

I don't know why you'd run something like this within reach of America™.
[SFW] [Big Brother] [+3 Informative]
[by foobar]
<-- Entry / Comment History

ComposerNate said @ 7:18am GMT on 10th April
Backpage/Cracker/Postfastr have hosted my business ads for years, allowing links direct to my website with relevant anchor text, I believe boosting my business website's Google ranking. Over 200 original ads, regularly updated and years old, now gone. Those ads were automatically copied-posted on multiple other sites, some parent company and others stolen, to flood thousands of indexed ad pages and all keeping those precious hotlinks. Now to see over the upcoming months how far my site drops in search results as Google gradually marks all those ad webpages as broken.

Anyone here know a good replacement? I've still got and which are meh okay.

ComposerNate said @ 7:21am GMT on 10th April
Backpage/Cracker/Postfastr have hosted my business ads for years, allowing links direct to my website with relevant anchor text, I believe boosting my business website's Google ranking. Over 200 original ads, regularly updated and years old, now gone. Those ads were automatically copied-posted on multiple other sites, some parent company and others stolen, to flood thousands of indexed ad pages and all keeping those precious hotlinks. Now to see over the upcoming months how far my site drops in search results as Google gradually marks as broken all those ad webpages.

Anyone here know a good replacement? I've still got and which are meh okay. Google/Bing keep asking me to pay for ads, which is my tax-deductable fallback should my site take a big hit.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
ComposerNate said @ 7:18am GMT on 10th April [Score:3 Underrated]
Backpage/Cracker/Postfastr have hosted my business ads for years, allowing links direct to my website with relevant anchor text, I believe boosting my business website's Google ranking. Over 200 original ads, regularly updated and years old, now gone. Those ads were automatically copied-posted on multiple other sites, some parent company and others stolen, to flood thousands of indexed ad pages and all keeping those precious hotlinks. Now to see over the upcoming months how far my site drops in search results as Google gradually marks as broken all those ad webpages.

Anyone here know a good replacement? I've still got and which are meh okay. Google/Bing keep asking me to pay for ads, which is my tax-deductable fallback should my site take a big hit.

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