Friday, 2 March 2018

Uber and Lyft drivers' median hourly wage is just $3.37, report finds

quote [ Majority of drivers make less than minimum wage and many end up losing money, according to study published by MIT ]

Studies are increasingly clear: Uber, Lyft congest cities

Passengers Who Call Uber Instead Of An Ambulance Put Drivers At Risk

In summation, Fuck Uber.
[SFW] [business] [+8 Underrated]
[by raphael_the_turtle]
<-- Entry / Comment History

raphael_the_turtle said @ 10:45pm GMT on 2nd March
Dodging the question got it.

Pay their workers! If you can't run a business without exploiting your workers, you don't have a valid business, you have a scam. And you continue making excuses for these scammers. That's being a corporate apologist.

raphael_the_turtle said @ 10:47pm GMT on 2nd March
Dodging the question got it.

Pay their workers! If you can't run a business without exploiting your workers, you don't have a valid business, you have a scam. And you continue making excuses for these scammers on a consistent basis. That's being a corporate apologist.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
raphael_the_turtle said @ 10:45pm GMT on 2nd March
Dodging the question got it.

Pay their workers! If you can't run a business without exploiting your workers, you don't have a valid business, you have a scam. And you continue making excuses for these scammers on a consistent basis. That's being a corporate apologist.

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