Wednesday, 21 February 2018

SE Digest: Volume 28 (4 Year Anniversary Episode!)

quote [ I rushed home, I'm still in my work clothes, I'm like "Fuck the shower, I gotta do this". You know why I gotta do this today? Cause it's the MOTHER FUCKING FOUR YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF SENSIBLE ENDOWMENT DOT COM. Holy. Fucking. Shit! Cool, okay. ]

Loves and hearts and candy farts to you all. Post more pron goddammit, my sensible is shrinking.

Running time: 20m24s

No music this episode, sorry had to rush it.

SE Digest Archive (for all volumes of the podcast)

[NSFW] [do it yourSElf] [+3 Informative]
[by JWWargo]
<-- Entry / Comment History

midden said @ 2:26pm GMT on 21st February
Four years ago I was married, trying to have a kid, living in the suburbs, successfully self employed. Now I'm single, have let go of the idea of having a family beyond my sisters and their kids, living in a foreclosed wreck of a house in the country, and employed (for the first time in in my adult life) by a company that primarily does government contracting. Crazy how fast life can change. Four years from now, who freakin' knows?

midden said @ 2:27pm GMT on 21st February
Four years ago I was married, trying to have a kid, living in the suburbs, successfully self employed. Now I'm single, have let go of the idea of having a family beyond my sisters and their kids, living in a previously foreclosed and abandoned wreck of a house in the country, and employed (for the first time in in my adult life) by a company that primarily does government contracting. Crazy how fast life can change. Four years from now, who freakin' knows?

<-- Entry / Current Comment
midden said @ 2:26pm GMT on 21st February [Score:1 Underrated]
Four years ago I was married, trying to have a kid, living in the suburbs, successfully self employed. Now I'm single, have let go of the idea of having a family beyond my sisters and their kids, living in a previously foreclosed and abandoned wreck of a house in the country, and employed (for the first time in in my adult life) by a company that primarily does government contracting. Crazy how fast life can change. Four years from now, who freakin' knows?

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