Friday, 22 December 2017

AT&T Credits Trump for Bonus Its Union Already Negotiated

quote [ AT&T promised $1,000 in bonuses because of the GOP tax plan on Wednesday. But the union representing AT&T workers bargained for that bonus earlier this month. ]

As AT&T hails tax cut with bonuses for some workers, it hands pink slips to others

ICYMI: Chappelle has a new special coming out! It fits the theme. Thanks, Steele.
[SFW] [politics] [+3 Sad]
[by raphael_the_turtle]
<-- Entry / Comment History

foobar said @ 8:07am GMT on 24th December
Hey, I'm all for taxing them and redistributing their wealth, but forcing them to employ 700 people to sit on their thumbs seems like a pretty weird and inefficient way to do it.

Even if AT&T where a non-profit there would still occasionally be shifts in staffing needs.

foobar said @ 8:07am GMT on 24th December
Hey, I'm all for taxing them and redistributing their wealth, but forcing them to employ 700 people to sit on their thumbs seems like a pretty weird and inefficient way to do it.

Even if AT&T were a non-profit there would still occasionally be shifts in staffing needs.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
foobar said @ 8:07am GMT on 24th December [Score:1 Underrated]
Hey, I'm all for taxing them and redistributing their wealth, but forcing them to employ 700 people to sit on their thumbs seems like a pretty weird and inefficient way to do it.

Even if AT&T were a non-profit there would still occasionally be shifts in staffing needs.

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