Tuesday, 5 December 2017

White House Purposes Secret Police to Handle Bullshit Conspiracy

quote [ Blackwater founder Erik Prince, a former CIA paramilitary officer, and Oliver North want to make 80s-style covert action great again. ]

Whoa. WHOA. What the actual fuck?

Okay, so this is one of those "time to buy a gun" moments for me. I am a rationalist sceptic. As such, I am a total cunt you never want to debate with. However, one aspect of this is that I am fundamentally opposed to conspiracy theory.

This action here? This is the sort of thing that leads to a bloody tragedy. Throughout our entire modern history, every example of leadership that uses conspiracy theory to work has ended horribly.

Communist Russia and China said the enemy was the farmer, and then they starved.

Uganda said it was the Indian shop keepers. Then they lost nearly their entire economy when they expelled them.

Hitler was well, fucking Hitler.

It goes on and on. This though is how it starts.

If you are not shitting your pants, you should be. Our president doesn't believe he runs the government, and wishes to hold people accountable for that. This is fucking insane.
[SFW] [politics] [+8 WTF]
[by kylemcbitch]
<-- Entry / Comment History

Ussmak said @ 1:12am GMT on 6th December
Says the guy presenting a clcikbait article built on hearsay as proof positive of an upcoming coup and that it's enough impetus for you to buy a weapon you don't want for a fight you're untrained for.

Ussmak said @ 1:14am GMT on 6th December
Says the guy presenting a clickbait article built on hearsay as proof positive of an upcoming coup, and that said article is enough impetus for you to buy a weapon you don't want, for a fight in which you're untrained.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
Ussmak said @ 1:12am GMT on 6th December
Says the guy presenting a clickbait article built on hearsay as proof positive of an upcoming coup, and that said article is enough impetus for you to buy a weapon you don't want, for a fight in which you're untrained.

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