Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Ding Ding...Round 3

quote [ Hurricane Maria Makes Landfall In Dominica As ‘Extremely Dangerous’ Category 5 Storm
Islands still reeling from Irma are bracing for another devastating hit. ]

This looks like the last of them...this year.

Anybody still think Brace for a truly terrible hurricane season was hyperbole?
[SFW] [environment & nature] [+1 Interesting]
[by bbqkink]
<-- Entry / Comment History

bbqkink said @ 3:46am GMT on 19th September
Saw a long range forecast and they are predicting no more major storms...but that is still predicting weather.

bbqkink said @ 3:48am GMT on 19th September
Saw a long range forecast and they are predicting no more major storms...but that is still predicting weather.

Hard telling where this one is going to end up ...looks like the east cost mid Florida or up the cost even further. it is a guess at this point.

bbqkink said @ 3:52am GMT on 19th September
Saw a long range forecast and they are predicting no more major storms...but that is still predicting weather.

Hard telling where this one is going to end up ...looks like the east cost mid Florida or up the coast even further. It is a guess at this point.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
bbqkink said @ 3:46am GMT on 19th September
Saw a long range forecast and they are predicting no more major storms...but that is still predicting weather.

Hard telling where this one is going to end up ...looks like the east cost mid Florida or up the coast even further. It is a guess at this point.

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