Saturday, 12 August 2017

Charlottesville: far-right crowd with torches encircles counter-protest group

quote [ People gathering to oppose Unite the Right demonstration say they were hit with pepper spray and lighter fluid in clash on University of Virginia campus ]

So yeah... This is what it's come to. I'm sure they'll (numbers) blame the protests at Berkeley for bringing it here.

Not really sure what to say.
[SFW] [dystopian violence] [+6 Informative]
[by rylex]
<-- Entry / Comment

steele said @ 7:18pm GMT on 13th August
Temporarily. There's already a cooling off period built into the code I disabled a while back that would disable comment rights once they hit a negative point in their karma, forcing them to wait until their karma regenerated back zero. I'll probably bring that live again and experiment between a cooling off period and weighting the new comments down similar to how one inherits a downmod.

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