random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

we have interactive pornography. Its called sex - Tirade

is their server slow or am I fapping too fast? - virgindog

Batman is batman with a blue sky and green grass. Not a corpse on a tightrope with a fish - ukdollars

you think teaching people to read will fix YouTube comments? - kishi

I also pee in the shower, but that's for another discussion - snowfox

shakes fist 17% harder - ComposerNate

society is the condom that protects us from being complete dicks to each other. It's pretty thin but it works 99% of the time - devilsad

who says love can't give a man an erection? - MmmFiber

I like how you can see just a hint of asshole - crom

when nine hundred years old you reach, fap as good you will not - EPT

a vagina may not be a clown car but an ass is not a storage locker - tamp

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