random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

It's easy to tell whether a cartoonist is conservative by seeing whether they portray the President as an uppity black man - KingPellinore

real men don't need permission to fap - Supreme_Coconut

the more you type, the righter you are - lilmookieesquire

would it annoy me if someone shat in my bathtub? - Nihil

blood is the best lube - swiggy

In honor of our second anniversary, I've had a prostitute adopted in your name. - steele

when come back bring pr0n - moriati

I love the smell of porno in the morning. Smells like... *fap* - spectre853

I like that bear's buttocks - warmseat

every day is a good day for autoerotic asphyxiation - rndmnmbr

it's the fapture! - Robolt

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