random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

you gave your game away with the Troll Moderation - circulate

it doesn't count as a handjob if you do it yourself - Context

first you have to convince Saint Marck to not be a useless pile of shit - Jewbacchus

my wife occasionally checks SE, so I love monogamy too - flat_michael

obviously a strongly elongated penis is the solution - mjteegarden

stealing is a method of gain - arrowhen

I came for the beaver, I stayed for the quantum theory. And then I came for the beaver again - verycleanteeth

I Love this Stuff - taeyn

why havent we replaced MORE fabrics with bacon-cloth? - wottan

to milk out buckets of fuck butter - DarkShadowRavenDragonGrrl69

averaging 1.5 nipples a post - ahPook

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