random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

my night action is as follows: I lament the wasted day while masturbating and eating cake. Then I cower in a corner - spite48

you think teaching people to read will fix YouTube comments? - kishi

some pron in the extended - dook_sucks

goddamnit, we can wank to anything - wyckedfae

Yes, I know all of these things. - donnie - KingPellinore

is there a grand council of fap, and if so, who cleans their offices? - Sgt Harry Snapper Organs..

why would anyone want to worship someone who leaves stains everywhere he goes? - sacrelicious

I'd still do her, just wouldn't listen to her - Navier-Strokes

the sound of one hand clapping is the other hand fapping - YHVH

we may be smart, but we can be damned lazy, too - TheFurnace

legally speaking, we're all sodomists anyway - Barnabas_Truman

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