random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

I cant risk letting my right hand cramp up - lilmookieesquire

you dont waste your time here, You invest it - crwk8

welcome to "Sacrelicious Pisses on Everything Day" - Krutz

oh, once again my boyish enthusiasm got the better of me - feeling constipated

I have never been happier in my life as the day I shat the ER up. - rndmnmbr

typed this one-handed - uncletim

it sounds like something you want, but you don't - radioelectric

a phallocracy of vaginophiles - kang

society is the condom that protects us from being complete dicks to each other. It's pretty thin but it works 99% of the time - devilsad

I think they're just pretending to be lesbians - jaxtraw

I am sticking with cock - papango

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