random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

-1,000,000 you cost me a blowjob - horseinsheep

fuck my ass, I suck - Chop-Logik

you could have someone foster your ovum - eIfish

did I call someone a douchethinker? - ring riot

I don't think I can maintain an erection while straddling someone's chest and just punching them in the face - swiggy

there's enough donkey cock to go around - EPT

bitches don't know about my particular set of skills - danshyu

teaching people how to type one handed since 2002 - Metatron5369

I like how you can see just a hint of asshole - crom

I like face shooting, or punching if I'm Batman - papango

Girls are like voltron, the more you stick together, the better it gets. - Chop-Logik

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