random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

during his precious visitation time he was posting to SE again! - lilmookieesquire

I can't believe my cockholsters! - Nihil

averaging 1.5 nipples a post - ahPook

your kink is not my kink but your kink is okay - assbastard

I rarely read the articles! - insanemonkey

the sound of one hand clapping is the other hand fapping - YHVH

beauty really is only skin deep, especially in the case of the vagina - Bodnoirbabe

I think I understand why matt wanted out - Jewbacchus

the deep breathing was my pr0n running in the background... - absterjo

the beauty of rape dollars, is you can pay with them whether he accepts or not - Makopelli

marked NSFW because I know you fuckers too well. - Transfer

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