random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

damn I am indignant and my panties are in a bunch - madpride

I like face shooting, or punching if I'm Batman - papango

yeah, and what about gay porn? - sacrelicious

it's because of all the working hours and cocaine - eIfish

legally speaking, we're all sodomists anyway - Barnabas_Truman

how I imagine madpride, only without the anuses - cb361

a real real man would use a sensible erectant - EPT

I am sticking with cock - papango

another failed attempt at capitalizing on an Internet meme - damnit

I don't think I can maintain an erection while straddling someone's chest and just punching them in the face - swiggy

oh, once again my boyish enthusiasm got the better of me - feeling constipated

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