Calming the Fearful Mind -
A Zen Response to Terrorism
^ ^ v v <> <> B A - Polyphemus
I think they're just pretending to be lesbians - jaxtraw
Onanism at its finest. - forgotten
if anyone starts being dirty, I will come and kung fu you - LINGsCARS
bleeding out my balls - Naruki
your dongle is not unlike a cownipple - theolypse
shetland is teh hawt equine - leswilkerson
porn is expensive. Pr0n is free - Saint_Marck
the sound of one hand clapping is the other hand fapping - YHVH
to activate the unit, one must tap the unit - HoZay
I came for the beaver, I stayed for the quantum theory. And then I came for the beaver again - verycleanteeth