Sunday, 23 April 2017

Please, God, Stop Chelsea Clinton from Whatever She Is Doing

quote [ The last thing the left needs is the third iteration of a failed political dynasty. ]
[SFW] [people] [+7 Underrated]
[by arrowhen@4:27pmGMT]


Dienes said @ 3:19am GMT on 24th Apr [Score:5 Underrated]
He doesn't know what she's doing, but by God he knows he doesn't like it. A child of two of the most famous politicians being political shouldn't be a surprise, nor a crime. You can be politically active while not trying to establish some new 'dynasty.' He is offended that she is doing anything at all.

Observe his disgust at the request that she not be interrupted. Then, recall the research on how often women are interrupted in general, or look at how often Hillary was interrupted. It seems petty. How dare a women want to be able to express a thought without being talked over.

Or about how she couldn't possibly written a letter to the president at 5. I'd believe it. I did something similar - I wrote to the state legislature proposing a change to the state dinosaur. (Lots of putting words in her mouth, too.)

He seems to mock her tweets for not being these fully fleshed out ideas....when its a medium limited to 140 characters. Or was he mocking the idea of the wage gap being bad/existing? He bitches that she discusses her reading an interview about books, prompted by her publishing a book.

This reads like someone who is just looking for reasons to shit on someone because they are 1, a woman, and 2, a Clinton. And having a really, really hard time even finding reasons.
foobar said @ 6:33am GMT on 24th Apr [Score:1 Underrated]
A child of two of the most famous politicians being political shouldn't be a surprise, nor a crime. You can be politically active while not trying to establish some new 'dynasty.'

With respect, I disagree. A close family member of a senior leader following the same path implies corruption. There's no way for the path not to be smoothed ahead of her in ways it would not be for anyone else.

I mean, honestly, there was absolutely no chance that someone like George W. Bush could have become president if his father hadn't been before him.
Dienes said[1] @ 3:12pm GMT on 24th Apr [Score:3]
Yes, she will have advantages. She will have advantages in any field she goes into because her father was the goddamn president of the United States (and her mother nearly was also). By your logic, its impossible for her to do anything without it being some sign of corruption.

How about we wait for her to do something actually wrong before we get all angry at her, eh?
foobar said @ 7:37pm GMT on 24th Apr
Going into politics is something wrong in my books.

Yes, she'll never accomplish anything on her own. So let her go do something that doesn't matter.
Dienes said @ 8:58pm GMT on 24th Apr
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
foobar said @ 9:00pm GMT on 24th Apr
Unfortunately, we're not allowed to put corrupt politicians to the laser sword.
Dienes said @ 9:09pm GMT on 24th Apr
Except you apparently think there is no such thing as a politician (or proto-politician, or person even tangentially related to politics) that isn't corrupt.
foobar said @ 9:12pm GMT on 24th Apr
There are plenty. Running on one's own merits and accomplishments is a pretty low bar to clear.
Dienes said[1] @ 10:43pm GMT on 24th Apr
You know Chelsea isn't running for office, right? You're mad at her for what something you imagine her doing based on....publishing a book and having a Twitter account. That is her fucking crime.
foobar said @ 1:11am GMT on 25th Apr
Yet. If she never does, fair enough.

But I'll still sneer at her for being in the news. She's effectively a Kardassian.
hellboy said @ 6:24am GMT on 25th Apr [Score:2]
I'm sick and fucking tired of hearing about the Bushes and the Kennedys too, before anyone else gets the bright idea of playing the misogyny card.
foobar said @ 6:31am GMT on 25th Apr
Right. This is actually a sore spot for me because of Justin Trudeau, who got handed the Prime Mininistership (and Paul Martin before him who tried, but was bald).
HoZay said @ 7:18am GMT on 25th Apr
Who's telling the Kennedys and Bushes to shut up and stay out of politics?
hellboy said @ 8:25am GMT on 25th Apr
Not enough people.
C18H27NO3 said @ 3:10pm GMT on 25th Apr
But misogyny did in fact, play a part. A large part in the elections. But I too am tired of the bushes or kennedy's or the kardashians. But it's not over. The trumps will now take the reigns. You can guarantee either one or both of the trump brothers or Ivancunt and man child jared will be splattered across politics for the next couple of generations.
Dienes said @ 2:20am GMT on 25th Apr [Score:-1 Flamebait]
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HoZay said @ 3:30am GMT on 24th Apr
The Hill-haters can't get enough.
Hugh E. said[1] @ 6:03pm GMT on 23rd Apr [Score:2 Insightful]
Excellent point, Mr Loeb. One wishes columnists would stop with these articles, stop "increas[ing] Chelsea's exposure" and "tyi[ng] it to political despair". These articles just rehash "her forays into the public eye". And end up diminishing her career to a "dating profile". A more cynical person might think they're just using her name for "fashionability" and clicks. But surely not you, Mr Loeb.

Oops, I referenced the photographer, not the author, T. A. Frank. string.replace("Loeb","Frank") public static overall point of comment
arrowhen said @ 7:13pm GMT on 23rd Apr [Score:1 Underrated]
She's a shallow spoiled rich kid indulging in conspicuous concern on Twitter. The article is merely pointing out that there's no need to take her seriously just because she has a famous last name.
bbqkink said @ 8:10pm GMT on 23rd Apr
Ya because a spoiled shallow rich person who tweets their policy statements could ever ride fame into power here.
hellboy said @ 8:29pm GMT on 23rd Apr
Not if we ignore them like we should.
bbqkink said[1] @ 8:38pm GMT on 23rd Apr [Score:-2]
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hellboy said @ 12:21am GMT on 24th Apr [Score:0 laz0r]
I don't know who you're talking to, once he became a contender for the nomination not talking about him was no longer an option and I certainly never said otherwise. But he never would have gotten to that point if the media hadn't given him tons of free coverage (while at the same time mostly ignoring the single most popular candidate in the race from either party). And if the media would shut the fuck up about Chelsea Clinton and her insipid opininons we might not have to suffer through yet another Clinton candidacy.
bbqkink said @ 12:46am GMT on 24th Apr [Score:-1]
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hellboy said @ 12:51am GMT on 24th Apr [Score:0 laz0r]
Actually I find it pretty easy not to talk about rich and famous people who have contributed nothing to society, it rarely even occurs to me.
bbqkink said[2] @ 1:03am GMT on 24th Apr [Score:-1]
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bbqkink said @ 9:02pm GMT on 23rd Apr [Score:-1]
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hellboy said @ 12:22am GMT on 24th Apr [Score:1]
Clinton didn't lose because of third party voters. She lost because she made people not want to vote for her.
C18H27NO3 said @ 6:17pm GMT on 24th Apr
You really think that's the only reason she lost? I think most everybody would be in agreement she didn't focus where she should have. Didn't run a good campaign. But that's not the only reason she lost. This election wasn't had in a vacuum. There are multiple reasons. I currently have about 10, and losing because she made people not want to vote for here wasn't one of them.
HoZay said @ 6:42pm GMT on 24th Apr
Mostly Comey's input, a week before the election, gave Trump a boost and inspired red voters to turn out.
hellboy said @ 8:25am GMT on 25th Apr
She lost because she lost Obama voters in Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin - the Rust Belt, places where resentment of the Clintons, NAFTA, and Wall Street Democrats is particularly high. If she had held those states, all of which Obama won, some of which hadn't gone red in decades, she would have won. If she'd won any 4 of them, or any 3 other than Iowa, she would have won. But she lost votes in all 5, as well as 28 other states, compared to Obama in 2012. The seven states where she did the worst compared to Obama are all in the Midwest.

The other things on your list may have hurt her, but nothing like her failure to compete in the Midwest. Clinton never visited Wisconsin, barely campaigned in Michigan or rural Pennsylvania, never appeared at a UAW union hall. And those voters returned her lack of interest in spades.
HoZay said @ 6:38pm GMT on 24th Apr
She got more votes than any candidate ever, except Obama 2008.
hellboy said @ 4:34am GMT on 25th Apr
She brought her checkers game to a chess match.

I keep hearing Clinton diehards use the argument that she won the popular vote, as if that actually means anything. Before the election, the Clinton campaign was certain that Clinton was unbeatable thanks to the "Blue Wall" in the electoral college, but was worried she was going to lose the popular vote (which is why they wasted millions of dollars on GOTV in cities where it would have no electoral effect). And yet if things had gone the way Team Clinton anticipated and she'd creamed Trump in the EC but lost the popular vote, I bet there wouldn't have been a single Clinton supporter arguing that Trump should've won.
HoZay said @ 4:54am GMT on 25th Apr
I was responding to your claim she made people not want to vote for her. That doesn't really square with the reality of getting more votes than any candidate ever, except Obama 2008. I get that she incites contempt and loathing in you, but it's a reach to think the mass of voters suddenly saw her as you do.
hellboy said[1] @ 6:19am GMT on 25th Apr
She lost voters where it counted. Getting more voters in California or New York or Illinois is meaningless.

And she was the second most disliked candidate ever in modern polling history, so the mass of voters isn't very fond of her either.
C18H27NO3 said @ 3:05pm GMT on 25th Apr
And how was that persona of the 'second most disliked candidate in history' created? There's no doubt she didn't focus on the states you mentioned above. Clearly. But you cannot discount the hit job and witch hunt over the last 30 years or the media that focused on it incessantly, yet ignored trumps dealings with russia or his inexperience and mental problems. The american public, especially the uneducated and narrow minded, are easily swayed. Clinton didn't recognize that fact, and thought most everybody would see the fraud that is a racist and sexist dumpster, and those that don't vote by party would make the logical choice. Those that are conservative and vote the party line would have voted for a ham sandwich with an "R" toasted on it. It said a lot about the american psyche and mentality. This is why the world is laughing at the US. We run a popularity contest, and the conservative right legitimized and condones anti intellectualism, inexperience, nepotism, racism, sexism, lies, and deceit, and re-branded it as nationalist populism, and the uneducated fell for it hook, line, and sinker. What does that tell the world when you run a campaign of hatred and divisiveness and then win? Policy, governance, or character meant nothing. Only xenophobia, bigotry, and demagogic fandom.

And getting more votes in coastal cities is certainly NOT meaningless. It highlights the fact that the "founding fathers" were completely wrong in their lofty idea that the EC is supposed to prevent idiots from being president. All it exists for is an escape valve for those already in power. Another example of the failure of originalism or the idea that the constitution is practically the word of god. Density matters. And thinking it was irrelevant just plays into the conservative narrative that "enclaves" of liberalism = coastal cities and states are failed. Irrelevant, and doesn't reflect the "real" america. It most certainly does.
bbqkink said @ 12:39am GMT on 24th Apr [Score:-2 Old]
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hellboy said @ 12:48am GMT on 24th Apr [Score:0 laz0r]
Chelsea Clinton isn't dominating social media or the news media, nor does she have a national party behind her. There's no good reason to give her pointless fawning media coverage.
bbqkink said @ 1:06am GMT on 24th Apr [Score:-2 Old]
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bbqkink said @ 2:09am GMT on 24th Apr [Score:-2]
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rhesusmonkey said @ 4:16am GMT on 24th Apr
Fun fact: A friend of a friend went to Stanford with her, said the best part was when she's get the Secret Service to give them rides home from the bar. No drunk driving for her (and she took care of her friends).

All in all I have the impression she's a smart woman and more power to her to leverage "the brand" to support her cause. As long as her cause isn't seeking the presidency.

And even that, if she had some experience, more power to her. The Kennedy's were a political dynasty well before the Bush or Clinton era. Too bad the N+1 generation were such fuckwits.
WeiYang said @ 10:31am GMT on 24th Apr [Score:1 Insightful]
If Chelsea's major accomplishment is name recognition, she is as qualified as our current asshole.
mechavolt said @ 5:10pm GMT on 23rd Apr
But unity!
bbqkink said @ 5:58pm GMT on 23rd Apr
Not the time for unity...It is the time of ideas, and to be honest the Dems are short on ideas and canidates. Right now I am willing to listen to anyone who has the guts to stand on a soapbox and talk. Yes even a Clinton for that mater even a Bush.

I doubt you get anything new from them but let em talk.
foobar said @ 6:57pm GMT on 23rd Apr [Score:4 Underrated]
Oh fuck right off with your Clintons.
bbqkink said @ 7:45pm GMT on 23rd Apr
Fuck you you. no idea muther fucker. You don't have any thing to say about this ..get you ass back across the border.
foobar said @ 10:12pm GMT on 23rd Apr [Score:3 Funny]
Bleb said @ 6:24pm GMT on 23rd Apr
"God has decreed that American political dynasties decline sharply in suitability for office with each iteration. Call it the George H.W.-George W.-Jeb rule."

shiftace said @ 8:32pm GMT on 23rd Apr
It is all the inbreeding.
HoZay said @ 8:39pm GMT on 23rd Apr
Keep hate alive!
bbqkink said @ 8:46pm GMT on 23rd Apr
That is what this is just another Clinton hit job. There is nothing positive in this piece. And it is written about somebody who has never ran for public office in their life. I often wonder who was the most anti-Clinton the far right, the Russians or these pie in the sky so called liberals.
HoZay said @ 9:28pm GMT on 23rd Apr
They do seem to have common interests.
Ankylosaur said @ 12:25am GMT on 24th Apr
How dare people who have never run for public office think they should have a say in who does! What do they think this is, some sort of democracy?
bbqkink said[2] @ 1:47am GMT on 24th Apr
When and if she does...ya. In the mean time this just more of Clinton "hit job" trash. This shit goes way back. At least this one didn't accuse her of killing someone.

'Clinton death list': 33 spine-tingling cases
Bill and Hillary's 'friends' fall off buildings, crash planes, die in freak accidents

Nowadays it is getting hard to tell the far right from the far left.
Dienes said @ 7:08pm GMT on 24th Apr
Give it time.

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